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The walk to your room was somewhat quieter than you had expected, as usually there was some form of banter occurring in the dining room or in the hallways. But, nothing. The only sound comforting you was the swinging of your gloves, occasionally hitting a wall as you passed by.

Upon reaching your room, your hand outstretched for the door handle, slowly pushing it open when a white substance pulled it back. Your eyes shot towards the white string keeping your door closed, fingers annoyingly twanging it to see the detailed spider web. You groaned, turning around to see Peter nervously standing against the wall facing your door.

"What now?" you asked, hanging your gloves on your door handle and folding your arms. Peter didn't say anything, he just held out the knife you had pulled on his this morning. You could have lashed out, presuming he had done something to it and question why he had it, but instead you took it carefully, fingers accidentally brushing making Peter flinch. You looked at the blade for a moment, tossing it up and catching the leather handle before lifting your shirt and pushing it back into the body carriage. As the fabric came higher and higher, Peter caught a small glimpse of the bra you were wearing. It made the tips of his fingers tingle, heart pound as his mind was flooded with all things unrealistic.

"Thanks" you mumbled, pulling your shirt back down and brought Peter back to planet earth.

"No problem" he smiled awkwardly. You'd only ever seen that smile on Peter, uptight with his lips tucked together. It was sort of smile you made when you were trying to look grateful for something, like when your grandma gave you a sweater and you had to pretend you liked it. It was the only way you could describe it.

A mumble of voices brought your attention to the bottom of the hallway, your hand carelessly reaching up and pulling down the webbing while you focused on the voices. As you stripped the string of your frame and tangled it up in your hand, you caught sight of Banner and your father heading towards you. Your eyes widened, quickly opening your door and grabbing Peter by the shirt, pushing him into your room while you cowered behind the door frame. It had been years since you'd been able to spy on your father while he was talking about things that went on in the lab, as it was a restricted area and you were never allowed inside (which had never stopped you). So, hearing them talking about the insider goss got your heart racing.

On the other hand, Peter was left stranded in the middle of your room. He'd never been inside, yet for some reason had always wanted to. You'd been in Peter's room plenty of times looking for some used Stark tech that he only ever let Peter use, but he'd never been inside yours. It was different needless to say, carefully decorated and arranged. It smelt just like you, the lavender and violet perfume you used coaxing him in further.

"So, wait... Hold on, you're saying that this plant is... Is-"

"Don't make me repeat it, Tony, I spoke to Thor about it and he said we can dispose of it but only to those who are immune. Which is him." Banner confirmed interrupting your father. As if by luck they had stopped right outside your door, keeping you within perfect earshot of their conversation.

"Well, when can we get rid of it?" You father asked, the tone in his voice indicating he was getting rather anxious. What was so bad about a plant? Was it lethal? You turned your head slightly to check on Peter before returning to the door, only to snap your head back to Peter. He was standing beside your desk, hands hovering over the images you had taken.

"Hey!" You whisper yelled, walking over cautiously and grasping his wrist, "don't touch those!"

Peter's eyes widened a little, "S-sorry" he apologised. You sighed, allowing Peter's hand to slip from your grasp. "What are they for?"

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