Chapter Four: 'Oh, it's you.'

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'P' Rose, but why isn't he talking to me?'

'I already told you nah, he doesn't like having managers.'

'But he was happy when he came to know that I'm his manager.'

'How can you be sure that he was happy after knowing that you are his manager?'


'See you are not even sure about that. That's why I'm telling you to ask him, why he has been avoiding you.'

'Can I ask why are you thinking that he is trying to avoid you?' P'Singto asked.

'Because P'Singto, whenever I tell him his work schedule and inform him about other things, he just listens and go away without saying anything. And if he has some problem with his work or his schedule, he sends P'New to ask me.'

'Hmm. That doesn't sound like him but still he shouldn't do this to my lil sista.'

'So now I m going to his house.'

'Why his house?' Rose asked.

'Because today is his day off.'

'As long as I know him, he hasn't woken up yet.' P'Singto said.

'Who cares, P.' Rachel said and went away.


Tawan was having a sweet sleep until someone interrupted.

'P, get up! Get up P!'

So Tawan got up having an irritated look on his face and his bangs falling into his eyes [TRUST ME, HES LOOKING HOT !] but when he saw it was Rachel his irritated face turned into surprise.

'Oh it's you Rachel. One minute. What are you doing in my house. And how did you get in ?'

'P, I'm here to talk with you about something really important and as you know I m a hacker plus stalker so that's how I hacked your security system and got in.'

'Wait a minute. I'm not understanding anything.'

'P,' Rachel said while sitting on his bed. 'why are you avoiding me?'

'I m not.'

'You are!'

'No, I'm not .'

'P, if you have any problem with me being your manager then trust me, I m gonna leave the position. I cant see my idol unhappy like this.'

'I have no problem with you really.'

'Then why the hell you are not talking with me these days?'

'It's a personal matter.'

'But please tell me I know I might harm your privacy but until I don't know why you are worried these days I will think that I am the reason.'

'My grandmother is sick, that's why I am worried these days.'

'Sorry, I didn't know that.'

'Its not your fault, at least someone noticed my sadness.'
'Hmm, so you gonna go to your grandma's house?'


'Can I join? I mean if you want then.'

'Yeah sure.'

'So you be ready, I am making dinner for you.'

After Tawan finished getting dressed he went downstairs when he saw that food is in the table and Rachel is cleaning the dishes which he didn't cleaned yesterday night.

'You don't have to do that.'

'Chill P, you should be happy that I'm cleaning your dishes. I don't do it in my house.'

'Then why doing mine?' Tawan said while eating.

'Because I'm your manager, I guess.' Rachel turned and walked towards Tawan and sat infront of his seat. 'Can I tell you something? Don't be angry.'


'I did these things cause I am a big fan of you.'

'So why will I be angry?'

'You know, I heard that your previous manager was also your fan and you didn't liked her and you fired her.'

'Who told you this?'

'I heard from a person in the fan meeting of you.'

'I fired her because she used to click photos of me and stole some dress of mine and sold them at high prices to others.'

'Oh really?'


'Oh! Why didn't I know it? I would also buy from her, the photos. Of course the photos.' At that Tawan laughed.

'You are really crazy . and by the way liked your new hair color. Half pink and half purple from the bottom.'

'Yeah, got inspiration from Harley Quinn. But the hair stylist said that blue will not suit me so I did purple.'



'The hair stylist was wrong. Blue would suit you.'

'Thanks P.' She said with a smile in her face and looked at the table the whole time with a smile when Tawan was eating also having a smile on his lips. After Tawan finished eating. He got ready to go to his grandma's house by his car. Tawan was driving the car.

'P, can I turn on a song?' Rachel asked.

'Your wish.'

'I will take that as a yes.' She said and gave the song "I like me better."

Rachel opened her hair and let it flow with the wind blowing outside

"To be young and in love in New York City (New York City)
To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me
To be drunk and in love in New York City
Midnight into morning coffee
Burning through the hours talking

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you"


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