Chapter Five: ' She's Special, Mom.'

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Finally they reached outside Tawan's grandma's house. So, they knocked the door when a lady opened the door.

'Hey mom! I didn't know that you were here.'

'What are you doing here, Son?'

'I came to meet grandma.'

'And who's this beautiful lady?'

'My friend plus manager, Rachel. And Rachel, this is my mom.'

'Swadiikha,P.' Rachel greeted his mother.

'Yeah Swadii. Come in dear.' They both came in and Tawan's mom told them to sit in the kitchen table.

'Your grandma is sleeping now. Till then eat something.' His mother was cooking something. After few seconds, a girl with headphones on her ear came into the room. She looked at Rachel and opened her headphones.

'Wow bro! Who's this beauty beside you?'

'Shes my friend plus my manager ,Rachel. And Rachel, this is my younger sister, Luna.'

'Hi P'Rachel, nice to meet you. By the way liked your hair.'


'So, you are my bother's manager?' She said while having a seat in front of them.

'So how does it feel? You know working with my brother.'

'Yeah, its kinda fun. Working with your favourite celebraty.'

'So, you were also my brother's fan?'


'So come with me.' Luna said and grabbed her wrist and took her somewhere.

'Control, Tawan.' Tawan's mother said.


'Control your starring towards her. I m sure that you don't want her to know that you like her before you propose her.'

'I am not understanding what you are trying to say .'

'You like her, don't you?'

'No Mom. Sigh, am I obvious.'

'No, its just my mothery heart which made me feel that. You know, after seeing your starring towards her, I felt like that as you never stared at some girl this long.'

'She's special. I first met her at my fan meeting, from at time I kinda started to like her. Shes a big fan of my hardworks. And whenever Im with her, I feel like I m me.

Shes new and has lot of things to do as a new girl but still in the crowd after she noticed that I m sad she tried to help me. When she came to know that I was sad about my grandma sickness, shes here to see her, all by her will.'

'Hmm. Sounds like a good girl.'

'She is, trust me she is.' That time, Luna and Rachel, came into the room laughing.

'And P, used to hide in the under the bed whenever he used to get angry.' Luna was telling to Rachel.

'Oh my my, what you ladies are talking about?'

'Luna was telling me about P' Tawan's childhood stories.' Rachel answered. At time Tawan's grandma called his mother and his sister left them alone because, well you know why. So they were left all alone.

'P, you didn't changed at all. You were cute in your childhood and now, you are more cute. And your smile P, anyone can fall in love with you.'

'Umm, thanks..' They were sitting all quietly when his grandma entered the room.

'Hey grandma!' Tawan said.'

'Hey young boy.' Grandma said.

'Mom, she's Rachel.' Tawan's mother said.

'Oh Rachel, I have heard a lot about you from Tawan's mother.'



'So how are you feeling now, Granny?' Rachel asked.

'Yeah, good. Thanks for asking.'

'Rachel, you say to mom to visit doctors regularly. She don't want to do at all.' Tawan's mother said.

'I'm really healthy, I don't need any doctors.'

'But you should go granny, you don't need to be sick for visiting doctors. My grandmother also avoided these check-ups but her own daughter is a doctor. My mother told my grandmother a lot of times to let her do the check-ups because all diseases don't have syndroms. My mother even sometimes regret that she should have force her to do the tests.'

'So, your mother is a doctor.' Grandmother asked.

'Yeah. She is.'

'So, can I do my check-ups by your mother?'

'My mother? Yeah, sure. So, do you want me to call my mother for you?'

'Yeah sure.'

'Okay.' She said while hesitating. So she dialed her mother. After some seconds her mother received her phone.

'Why did you called me ?' Her mother was talking so loudly that everyone in the room was hearing what she was saying.

'Um, Minni?'

'Yeah, now don't waste my time, say quickly what you want. I am giving you 10 seconds to say.'

'Umm, Minni. I'm sending you a address can you please come?'

'Why ?'

'Cause someone's sick.'

'You should have tell it to me earlier idiot. Quickly send.' She said and hanged out.

'You know, my mother has spilt personality. The person I now talked is her spilt personality, Minni.'

'Oh! How sad. How did it happened?' Tawan said.

'After her mother passed away, within few days my mother comes to know that my father was cheating on her. So the sadness and her angry turned her into this. She eats medicine but after 12 hours this again happens.'

'Wow, I only read these in stories.' Luna said.

'But don't worry, she's a good doctor in both sides.'

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