Prince for a princess

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Your POV

Me and the Doctor were invited to a ball tonight. We were on a small planet, that was almost like Earth. Apparently the Doctor saved their ruler or something in the past and as a thank you they've been inviting him every year for their winter ball.

I was nerves af. I didn't know what to wear or what to do really. I've never been to a real ball. Should I wear some long dress or something short and sexy. I was in total panic mode. 

Ok just relax.

You will be ok. Just go find something that you want. Something comfortable for you. You got this.

So with that I started my search. I tried over 20 dresses by now, but still nothing special. Everything was either to much or not me. I almost gave up, but then at the bottom of the wardrobe I saw them.

They had baby blue color with white corset and it was shoulderless with huge skirt. They almost looked like something Cinderella would wear. But no. Tonight I'm wearing them and I'll be the princess for once. Who knows, maybe I'll meet my prince tonight.  

So I put them on and tight my hair in a messy bun with some of them falling gracefully in my face. I felt pretty. I felt like tonight will be special.

I was supposed to meet the Doctor there, so I just opened the TARDIS and went out. It was lightly snowing and some flakes got in my hair. It didn't really bothered me, the TARDIS was only few steps from the entrance. 

I opened the door and what I saw was breathtaking. It was a big-no giant room full of people and food. Everybody looked gorgeous. Women wore expensive looking dresses with gold accessories. They were obviously trying to look more beautiful than anyone in the room. Men on the other hand looked all the same. They were wearing black three-piece suits and some of them even hats. They chatted with each other trying to impress others with their wealth. The room itself was beautifully decorated. There were candles everywhere and the floor looked like ice. I think I even saw some snow falling from the celling but it was gone as soon as it dropped. I've never seen anything like it.

I was standing at the top of a huge staircase and as soon as I came in almost everyone looked my way. Almost every single eye in the room was on me. Immediately I got nervous. I didn't know what to do so I just started to walk down the stairs.

I tried to find the Doctor between all this people. Aaaand bingo.

There he was standing in the corner looking my way with his mouth hang open. He looked gorgeous in the black suit with bowtie. His hair was little bit ruffled but if I'm being honest I loved it.

At the moment I loved everything about him. I loved how he looked totally out of his comfort zone. I loved how his eyes watched my every move. I loved his smile when he finally started to walk my way. I loved him with all his mistakes and with all my heart I loved him as a person.

He looked me in the eyes and I looked into his. At that moment I saw the candle lights mirroring in them and they looked like stars. And for that moment I saw happiness in Doctors eyes. 

"May I have this dance?" he asked and offered me his hand.

"You may." I took his hand, my eyes not leaving his for a second.

He leads me on to the dance floor and puts one of his hands on my hip. I took the other in mine and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I've never seen you like this." he said after a minute.

"Like what?" I didn't even look at him. I wanted to stay like this forever.

"So.... confident and relaxed and...." he paused for a second "yourself."

"Is that bad?"

"No no not at all." he paused again "It suits you." it came out more like a whisper but I heard it anyway.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. Is this even real? It felt more like a dream were everything you want comes true. 

"Do you want to get some air?" he slowly push me off of him. I immediately missed the warmth of his body, but I nodded anyway.

He took my hand and soon we were at the roof.

"How did you know how to get here?" I laughed and got a little closer to him. 

It was so peaceful up here and with the Doctor by my side it was just perfect. He put one of his arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder. There was a silence between us for a second, both of us were simply enjoying the view.

"You have snow in your hair." he said completely ignoring my question.

I moved my head ever so slightly so now I was facing him. I could feel his breath on my lips. Just a little bit further...

"I don't mind." I whispered my lips ghosting over his.

"Neither do I. It makes you even more beautiful than you already are."  

"Does it?"

"Oh believe me it does."

And with that he closed the distance between us an our lips finally met. I didn't feel the fireworks that everybody talked about. It was more like something in me clicked into place. This is how it was meant to be. 

I put my hands behind his neck and felt him putting his on my waist. It wasn't heated or anything just a sweet little kiss, but it meant everything. At least to me.

We broke apart, just few centimeters between us. Our foreheads were prest together and both of us had a small smile on our lips. That smile soon become full on laugh. Look at us. We were two mad people who were laughing on a roof. It was exactly as I wanted.

"You know I never meant for this to happened." he looked me in the eyes.

I immediately thought that he thinks this was a mistake. But it was weird, because he was still smiling. Was he making fun of me? Am I a joke to him?

"But I'm more than glad it did." he finished and I could have killed him right there.

But instead of that I just lightly punched him in the chest and giggled.

"Yea, I'm glad too." I snuggled closer to him.

And you know what? In the end the princess really find her prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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