I am his and he is mine.

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"I am his and he is mine. My word, my power, my body are his from this day until our last. In the eyes of God and men, I vow to thee, Maxim La Fayette, to honour and obey you and do you no disgrace as your wife." She closed her eyes as the tall, handsome lord held her hands within his own, gripping with great strength.

"I am hers and she is mine. My word, my power, my body are hers from this day until our last. In the eyes of God and men, I vow to thee Maria de Winter, to protect you and do everything in my power to secure our legacy and love as your lord husband."

The priest looked between them and took a piece of gold silk from a small cushion on the altar. "By the grace of god, I bind you both. Hand to hand and heart to heart. May all those who seek to tear you apart..."

The voice was drowned out by the thumping of Maria's heart in her ears, she dared a glance over the crowd in attendance. There was Lancelot but no Galahad. No one to stand up for her and stop all this. Her blood burnt her veins and a sharp squeeze of their bound hands brought her back to the moment. She kissed him chastely. Looking back at Lancelot, she knew he could see the disappointment in her eyes as she was led off to the feast by her new lord husband. Maxim the Merciless. Scourge of Kings and peasants alike. This was now her husband, the man she was to follow till her death and to bear sons to.


As they sat atop the dais, accepting gifts and thanks from those attending the wedding, Maxim lent to whisper to her. His eyes scanned the crowd as his hand slid up her thigh. "I see your noble knight was not stupid enough to try and come here today. He obviously does not care all that much." She closed her eyes willing the tears not to fall.

"He... I don't know what you speak of, my lord."

He hummed, still clenching her legs. "I think you do. I heard you begging to your dear father for it... but you are mine now. You are the Lady La Fayette and I will do well to make sure you remember that."

Before he could speak any more, there was a light cough. "Lord La Fayette, may I dance with your wife?" The knight did not look at the blonde lady as he spoke, instead directing everything to her husband as was appropriate.

"Take anything you wish, Lancelot." He waved his hand nonchalantly.

Lancelot extended his hand to the newly married lady and she took it, following him to the dance floor. The knight held her gently as they danced.

"You know, my lady, there are ways to... make the best of your marriage."

"No... I... I couldn't..."

"I could obtain for you one of the best masters of the realm. They would teach you the ways of magic... how to manipulate the world around you and maybe it could even help you gain the affection of Ser Galahad."


A loud crash had the small Lady leaping from the bed, grabbing Jenkins' robe and heading towards the disturbance.

As she entered the main room of the annex, she found Galahad hunting through drawers and shelves. "Galeas..." she spoke softly, moving towards him. He did not respond. Her hand moved to gently caress up his arm and smooth along his shoulder as she pressed her tiny body to his back.

"Galahad... what are you doing?"

"I will kill that man, Maria." He hissed. "I found my own fathers writings on him and... and he let him marry you."

"It was not his place to speak out..."

"He could have...." Jenkins shook his head, "It was my fault. I should have done something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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