The beginning

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"Honey wake up your gonna be late to school!" Mom yelled. Oh crap i got out of my bed and got dressed. I went downstairs. Morning mom! "Oh morning Jennie." She said with a smile. I sat at the table. I drank some juice and got a croissant. I got to go mom. See ya later. She nodded.

I walked to school. "Hey Jennie!" Kaori said. Oh hi Kaori how are you. "Im good thx you?" She asked me. Im the same as usual. She just nodded. I sigh i hate my life. I mean nothing special just ordinary and boring. Im not popular neither am i an outcast. Just plain. The only thing that keeps me going is Anime.

My daily routine is watching Anime every night and sometimes in the morning to. My friend knows about this. But she doesn't mind. She knows it makes me happy. Hey Kaori? I asked her. "Yea Jennie what is it?" She responded. Well do u have any news on that Animecon?

"I should have known you would ask that!" She said. Yea you know me to good Kaori! "That i do. Anyways the Animecon is in 2 weeks on Sunday." She said. Awesome mom will let me go it's only 1 town away. Also it's only 15 dollars.

She has to let me go i mean my grades are good. I haven't been to detention or got punished. So everything should be ok to go don't you think? "Yea she's nuts if she doesn't let you go" Kaori spoke.

We both start laughing we arrived at school. "We made it just in time well see ya after class." Kaori said. I just nodded. First i had math class. It was so boring and I almost fell asleep. But I couldn't fall asleep.

Math was over and i had chemistry and science after that. Now we had lunch break. Hey Kaori. "Oh hi Jennie guess what i got into the student body. She said full with excitement. Oh that's cool I guess.

"yea it is but we have a meeting after school so I can't go with you." She said. Ah don't worry about it have fun at your meeting but now let's eat. She nodded. She sat down and we both began to eat. I was having a sandwich with cheese tomatoes and turkey.

While Kaori was having an ordinary sandwich with choco on it. She likes her food plain. I don't know why though. Anyways im kinda sad that she has a meeting. Cause now i have to go home alone.

I mean we always go home together ever since 2nd grade. Oh well there's a first time for everything right. We finish our lunches and get back to class. Ugh i have English, french and fyshics. Oh god i hate all of that.

Well I actually hate all of that. I really want them to teach us Japanese and Korean. Now that i would love. Heck i would be the top of the class of those subjects. I just want to sleep so badly all this stuff is boring.

*Ding* finally school is over. Time to go home alone. Gosh i hate this. Next time im staying and waiting for Kaori. Now i just need to figure out how to ask and tell mom.

Im taking a longer route this time. I was walking home talking to myself. Thinking of how i would tell her. How i would ask her to go to Animecon. I mean my grades are good she needs to let me go!

I was walking over this bridge. When suddenly the floor drops and i fall in it. I hit my head and passed out. When i awoke i was somewhere else. Where the heck am i. "Your in Anime world!" I heard a girly voice say.

I got up and saw this beautiful girl she looked like this!

I got up and saw this beautiful girl she looked like this!

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She had wings and everything. What is Anime world? I asked her. "Well your not from here are you? Well Anime world is the world full of anime characters. You see whenever an anime is created the characters come to life here. They live there own lives here. They live totally different than the anime. You see the anime and this world have no connection. Except that we were made and brought here to live." She said.

"Also the author of the anime can write how we life and make it. But here we live independently although our characteristics are the same as the anime. After all we were born like this. Oh and im Alice Dragneel a fairy." She said.

Wait Dragneel as in Natsu Dragneel from fairytail? "Yep he is my younger brother." Alice said. Oh and im Jennie Hallow. Nice meeting you Alice. "Same Jennie." She smiled. Now how did i get here?

"You must have come here by a portal. Wich means you should be here. The portals only open and take people who should be here. They have a purpose here. But why don't we go see Lily she might know why your here!" She said with a smile. I nodded and went with her

To be continued....

Hope you liked it this was the female  version!


Anime world ( female version)Where stories live. Discover now