The journey

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Jennie's POV
Alright Alice did we get everything we need? "I think so." She responded. Let's check. Ok so we got a sleeping bag a tent. Water some snacks. Magic books, a charge lacrima our phones, tablets, magic map, knives a magic sword, shoes! Did we forget something?

"Omg yess we forgot fresh clothes and underwear!" She exclaimed shocked. I can't believe we forgot clothes and underwear i mean it's like basic stuff. Alice nodded. But now we got everything right? "Did you take some money?" She asked.

Sighs* N-N no thanks for reminding me. "No problem sister." She spoke while putting everything in her backpack. Ok so this is gonna be weird since I don't know how to use magic or these weapons. "Have you watched sword art online?" Alice asked out of nowhere.

Uh yes but what got that to do with this? I asked her kinda surprised. Sighs*" well they use swords if you paid alot of attention to how they use there swords you can do it. Things work differently here. If you have the ability to use magic and you know how to you can. It's the same with objects." She spated out coldly

Oh well there's no reason to be so cold about it! "Im not being cold about it!" She yelled. Sighs* let's just go. I spoke annoyed. She nodded and we went downstairs. We walked out of town heading north. Ok so if we keep heading north where the hell will we end up? I asked Alice.

"The next town. Swallow town and no it doesn't swallow people!" She said. I wasn't even gonna say that. I replied a bit annoyed. Why did they call it swallow town? I asked curious. "Because the town used to swallow all there enemies. It's an ancient spell but they disabled it because it was getting out of control." She said with pride because she remembered it all.

Look who's proud to have paid attention in history class. "I am very proud indeed." She replied full of confidence. Ok so how do you feel about this whole situation? "It's weird so I should have seen it coming." She replied.

What do u mean you should have seen it coming? I asked her. "Alot of weird things happen here so i should have seen it coming this was going to happen to someone. I just never expected it to be me. You know I always wanted a little sister and deep down I had this feeling i did have one. It turned out I actually have one. But now the people i called my family aren't really my family" she spoke with a sad tone.

Family isn't only by blood you know. You can always choose your second family. You have your real family the ones you share blood with. They raised you. But the friends you make and feel like there your family. They are because family isn't about blood it's about who you share a connection with a bond that seems unbreakable.

"Your right who knew my little sister could be so wise just by watching us all these years." She said and a chuckle soon followed. Hey admit it you guys are pretty wise. I mean in almost every Anime there's some wisdom stored. Like your social status doesn't matter when you love that person with all your heart. "That's true cause love conquers all." Alice said with a smile.

We walked for r hours and talked. We really started to get to know each other better. It was getting dark and the town was in sight. About 30 minutes walking and we reached it. We went looking for a tavern with a room with 2 beds available. We had to atleast go to 4 taverns before we found one who still had a room available.

We ate some delicious food and went to our room. We took out the magic map. I have a feeling that our parents are somewhere around here. I pointed a spot on the map. "Are you sure?" Alice asked me. Im positive. "It will take a few weeks to get there maybe even a month or two." She spoke. Well then we have a lot of walking to do! She nodded. We both went to bed and fell right asleep.

To be continued....
Guys I can't believe I already have 90 reads on my first book it means so much to me i love all of you so goddam much. And thx to everyone who supports me and this book.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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