Spring Day (OC/Dragon x V)

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*Dragon's P.O.V!*

I smile sadly as I remember everything that happened before you left to pursue your dream. We were 5 when we met, grew up through everything together, from kindergarten to middle school to highschool.

I was there when you decided to become an idol and was the one to encourage you to tell your parents and pursue that dream.

Now here I am, sitting against the stone tunnel wall under some stone bridge, in the middle of winter as the snow falls softly as the lights shine in the night.

I grit my teeth in pain as I shift a little, trying to get comfortable. I chuckled quietly at that thought, leaning my head against the wall as I close my eyes, remembering the times when we would play tag and hide and seek together.

I open my eyes and watch as my breath turns to fog in the winter air as I breathe out a breath.

I smile softly as I look at my phone screen, the wallpaper background is a picture of us before you were accepted, pressing your number in the contact section as I press speaker and set it down beside me.


I smile as I hear your voice run through the speakers.

"H-hey T....I miss you...."

I stuttered, smiling softly as you gasp.


You stutter, surprised and confused.

"Hey buddy.....h-how are you-u?"

I whisper, coughing gently as I struggle to breathe.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with your voice?"

You instantly whisper, sounding so scared.

"I'm sorry, that I wasn't able to see you again....so please give me this one last chance to say goodbye properly....."

I whisper, tears running down my face as I look up at the stars I can't see. I cough violently, covering my mouth as you call my name.

"What's happening? Are you okay? Where are you right now? What do you mean by goodbye? D-dragon.....please tell me what's wrong cause you're scaring me......"

I smile sadly as I close my eyes, letting out a big breath before speaking.

"I'm dying, alone in the middle of the night under some stone bridge in the cold as the snow falls softly around me.....I'm sorry I couldn't come see you sooner.....but I knew you wouldn't want to see me......so I stayed away.....I guess my dad fucked up and spilled the fact that he adores his only daughter......enough to get me stabbed by a minion of his enemy for not paying the amount of money he stole from them......and I'm sorry for the fight we had before you left......I should've just listen to you and call the police instead of hiding my dad from them......Don't cry.....it's very beautiful and peaceful here.......I'm okay with dying alone......at least I get to say goodbye properly and hear your voice one more time....."

I ramble, covering my mouth as I cough more violently, pulling away to see blood on my hand as I hear you sobbing over the phone, smiling sadly as I accept my fate.

"N-no.....you can't.....I told you this would happen.....I don't want you to go......please......I'm sorry to, for the way we left things.....I'm wish I could hold you......please don't go.....where are you......maybe I can call the poli-"

I cut you off quickly, gritting my teeth as everything slows down.

"No....it's too late.....we both know that T......just promise me you'll live your life to the fullest with the boys......I love you, Kim Taehyung.....and don't forget it.....Goodnight and goodbye my love....."

I whisper, crying and smiling as I get colder and colder by the second, struggling to breathe and keep my eyes open as I hum Spring Day under my breath, letting my head droop as I close my eyes as you sob. I smile as my body shuts down, hearing you tell me how much you love me, as I whisper one last thing before letting go and breathing out one last time.

"Thank you for everything, Kim Taehyung....."

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