Chapter 5: The Last Hearth

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"We need more mud", Evelyn exclaimed, plunging her hands into the puddle on the side of the kingsroad, reaching for the mud that had settled at the bottom.

"Evelyn," Jon started, "Stop, Ghost is unrecognizable, we do not need any more." He looked at Ghost beside him, his snowy coat had now turned into a murky brown with a few leaves stuck on his legs. Jon reached down towards Evelyn who was hunched over the puddle, her deep blue dress had turned to a deep brown at the hem and splotches covered the front. Jon offered his hand to Evelyn, "You've done more than enough."

She looked up with worried eyes before taking Jon's hand. "I-I-I'm worried that if they notice Ghost they'll notice you and arrest you for desertion and if they notice m-

"Evelyn," Jon cut her off, "if they recognise ghost and me, I'll make sure I say I do not know who you are, fade into the crowd if anything happens." With one swift motion, Jon lifted her to her feet.

"Thank you," Evelyn smiled, drying her hands on her cloak. After days of riding and camping in the forests beside the kingsroad they had reached the Last Hearth, the seat of House Umber in the North. "We can go by foot now into the markets at the Last Hearth, the horses will help hide us," Evelyn said, taking the reins of her chestnut stallion.

Jon nodded, also taking the reins of his black steed, Raziel. Despite the days they had spent together, his horse was still as stubborn as it was on the first day. He began following Evelyn into the Last Hearth, whistling for Ghost to follow.

As they neared the market Jon could hear the low hum of people haggling and smell the sizzling meats the market had to offer. The trees began to clear, revealing row upon row of market stalls with brightly coloured tops, smoke rising from a few.

Evelyn abruptly stopped, turning back to Jon, "We should split up. I'll go trade some of the weapons," she motioned to the maces tucked into the bag of the side of her horse, "and you grab food for the journey to Winterfell."

"Why do we have to split up?" Jon asked

"It's faster that way," Evelyn replied. "and there's more chance of you being recognised here because we're still in the north so people will have heard of your desertion."

Jon nodded, "meet at the edge of the forest that leads back to the kingsroad once you're finished. If someone notices me, fade into the crowd and leave without me"

"Only if it comes to that," Evelyn agreed, then turned her heel and began walking into the centre of the market as Jon veered to the right side of the market.

Evelyn pulled up her hood up to hide her face, tucking her dark braid in her hood. Her eyes searched the market looking for a stall selling weapons, quickening her pace she passed jewellery stalls with gold chains, food stalls with fish hanging over the sides and fur stalls with almost all the skins of each animal in the north. Finally, at the back of the market, she came across a stall with wooden bows hanging from hooks and swords and knives scattered on the table. Behind the table was a young man who looked to be in his twenties, with dark short hair and eyes so dark brown they seemed to be black.

Evelyn cleared her throat, "how much for three maces?"

The man looked at her up and down, his eyes narrowing as he saw the weapons strapped on the side of the chestnut horse, "depends on the condition."

Reaching into the bag on the side of her horse, Evelyn pulled out the three maces and placed them on the table. The man began examining at each mace, holding them up to his face to examine the top of each. "These are wildling maces," the man concluded, "people don't want to associate themselves with wildlings, so you won't get much for these." The man outstretched his hands, offering her a few silver coins.

Evelyn nodded, "I'll sell them anyway." As she stretched for her purse clipped on the side of her horse, her hood slipped off, revealing her face to the man. Evelyn turned quickly around, snatching the coins for the man's hands and placing them in her purse.

The man's eyes studied her face, "Lady Evelyn?"

Evelyn froze, "n-no" her voice caught. Turning back around she quickly clipped her purse back onto the horse and pulled her hood up.

"Yes, it is you Lady Evelyn, I was a servant for the Karstarks at Karhold" the man stated, "I remember you, they said you drowned in the river."

Evelyn stared at the man for a second, how couldn't she recognise one of the hundreds of servants of the Karstarks, yet one managed to identify her. "You're mistaken, we must look alike," Evelyn said hastily, grabbing the reins of her horse she began pacing through the market towards the edge of the forest where Jon was supposed to meet her. She was worried about Jon being recognised, yet she was the one who compromised them.

As she approached the edge of the forest, she mounted her horse swiftly and trotted towards Jon and Ghost waiting at the start of the path. "Have you got all the food?" she asked Jon.

"Yes, it's in-

"We need to leave now," Evelyn cut Jon off.

Jon mounted his horse, "Why?"

"I'll explain on the way," Evelyn gave her horse a light kick on the side, lurching the horse into a gallop down the path towards the kingsroad.

Authors note:

Thank you for reading! I have big plans for this story!!

I'm finally back and writing so let me know if you're still interested in more chapters

The next chapter should be very interesting and exciting so stay tuned!

Will update soon! Please comment, rate and follow!

Love you all :*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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