5) An overdue reunion

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I don't want to be here.

Don't get me wrong, this pack is very impressive but I just don't have the energy.

Most alpha's find their mates from the age of 16-19 but I'm 22 and mateless. My pack has suffered as well as myself, they know their alpha is miserable. We all need a Luna.

What makes it worse is that we know who our Luna is, we just can't find her. I plan on asking Alpha Trent if he knows of her whereabouts.

Due to the trip and a few delays we arrived shortly before sunset. We will be here for a few days celebrating the graduation of some of our pack members then return home.

"James! Good to see you man! Found your mate yet?"

Trent asked as he greeted me after I stepped out of my car

"Good to see you too Trent and still no"

I replied my already broken heart breaking even more as I finished the sentence.

"Sorry to hear, now. Ready to party?"

Trent said sadly then asked with a mischevous grin as he rubbed his hands together. Good luck to his mate.

I shook my head as myself and my pack followed Trent inside.

I would love to say I payed 100% to the graduation, but I would be lying. I did pay a lot of attention but its incredibly hard to ignore the pain in my heart when I looked over the crowd and my mate was not one of them.

Oh my sweet, sweet Jasmine, where are you?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I only just heard the end of the ceremony. The two packs cheered as the now graduated students threw their hats into the air.

The next few hours were really hard. Hell, every day is hard without her. I would give anything just too see her again.

"Well I'll be dammed, James Johnston. It's been years"

A familiar voice says as I turn around to see Duncan.

"Duncan Jones, it has indeed been years"

I said as he gave a bro hug

"Alpha James I should say, congrats man"

He said with a smile

"Same too you on becoming a Beta"

I replied

"So........Ready to party?"

He said with a mischievous grin that took everything in me not to roll my eyes at the idiot.

"Lead the way"

I said even though I didn't truly mean it. Jasmine where are you?

As Duncan and I made our way through the crowd girl after girl threw themselves at me. I simply shook them off without a glance at them. No girl will ever compare to my Jasmine.

Suddenly I smelt a familiar scent, very faint, but there. Jasmine was here??? If she was it was a while ago, that and with all these other people around I can hardly smell it at all. As I continued to follow Duncan I kept my senses all the way up in hope of spotting her. We walked into a very impressive barn that looked like it was designed by professionals.

All this time...It was him (werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now