First Day of Life

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Personality runs in wide variety and with variety comes a universe full of unique souls manifested in people. However, at this point of my life, I feel as my unique soul is cursed. Damned for all eternity and sickened in the face of angels. Why shall I think of myself that way, you may be asking? Because I just burned down the White House- of course not by accident. It was a budding temptation that told me it was necessary for the world to see the most powerful power in the United States to rot to ashes and char.

I aired it on national television.

Now the press is going to be down my throat asking me why I did such atrocities? The president is going to be absolutely pissed! The government officials might even want my damn head. But the world will thank me sooner or later.

And no I'm not crazy, I can hear your judgmental mumbling.

The world will thank me sooner or later but in due time, I'd have to end myself as well.

You see, it's quite unhealthy to be obsessed with your career. Yes, your parents or teachers encourage you to build a certain relationship within your workforce so that you can enjoy coming in every single day of your life and so that you can exhibit accuracy in performance in your career. But my enjoyment of my job went to the beyond and it began to consume who I was. Not that it's a bad time or anything, but when I find something interesting, I won't sleep.

I found too much information about myself that I didn't want to know.

I found too much information about the people I was working under.

I found too much information about my work.

I found too much information about society itself.

And now I'm not only in trouble with work officials, but I'm in trouble with my many selves.

January 4, 3029

Makeup, check. Dress, check. Appropriate heels, check. Bag, check. Files, check. Bookbag, check.

The first day at work shouldn't be as challenging as everyone claim it to be, like honestly. Internship in college is worse than any difficult task in a job and those are just facts.
Internship was running back and forth to the doughnut shop because my boss decided he wanted another flavor of cinnamon- how patriarchal- how pathetic.

I drove to downtown Washington in complete silence, no music, no tapping, no anything. Somehow, I had to wrap myself around the fact I had gotten an opportunity to work as a Secret Secretary.. May not sound as exciting but trust and believe the women on the inside is what keeps the country operating.
I walked between the stainless steel of doors we call an entrance at the establishment, just to be greeted with depressed faces and low murmurs of businessmen.
Everything seemed wrong about the job already.

In the midst of others, my head hung low to avoid any conversation with negative energy or bosses like the one from my internship.

"Hey, uhhhhh why don't you get me a large cup of canté, no peppers just ask for scoops of pepper powder." A formally dressed man demanded.
My head slowly rose and our eyes met, "I apologize but I can't help you with that, I'm actually headed to my office so if you'd excuse me."

So predictable.

The bottoms of my heels clicked and clacked as I walked away from the man, and to my surprise, I felt his eyes watching me in disbelief.

Once I got to my office, I sighed in relief. A room to myself, after all the hard work at Howard- something genuine really did come out of it.

The door closed shortly on its on after I entered it and the isolation was mesmerizing.

I placed my phone on top of the glass desk and decided to play some hip music to get my positivity flowing.

I hung lights around my window, which was exceptionally large for the room itself. The window started at the ceiling and ending at the bottom of the floor, just about eight inches wide.

For the parts that was strictly wall and not window, I placed some of my achievements and diploma from my university. At the desk, I placed a picture of me with my family and bestfriend and a lamp hanging above it to set the mood.

The whole first day was just preparation of my office and ignoring others who tried to acknowledge that a new face has resided in the building: a woman. People from other parts of the building knocked on my door and introduced themselves, but the introduction was fake.

"Uh, can you turn down your music? I'm starting to hear it across the hall." One particular one name Harrison instructed.

"How can you possibly start to hear music? I've been playing it for the past 3 hours."
Harrison blew raspberries and walked out my office, while closing it behind him.

"Kimberly, here's some files for you. Wasn't sure if you're driven or not, but it'll be nice for you to start early."

"And you are sir?" I asked.

"Jason, I sit right next door to you. Our whole row of offices are supported to work together with specific cases and some of these you need my help in."

"It would be nice to sit down and have some drinks first before you attack me with files that are unknown to me. What a bright idea to come ask you for help."

"You're catching on already! We can get some coffee downstairs tomorrow and we can start then." He said while leaving the same way Harrison did. Left foot then right foot into the exit then closed the door with his right hand.

Everything seemed so wrong already: the men, the vibes, the dark building, and the hidden tension that was obviously there.

Until tomorrow, I whispered to myself.

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