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Albert's POV!

I look up and see who it is. I just stare. "Oh god, it's you" I roll my eyes. It's my ex. Lana. "B-Baby! Please take me back" she whines. "No. I like someone else" I say and keep walking. "You don't need her! You have me!" She says. "Plus, she probably doesn't even like you, but. I can get her too" "Really?!" I ask. She nods. "Just give me her number. I somewhat kinda trust her. I give her Y/N's number and head to her house.

Lana's POV:

I got that girls number. I can't believe Albert believed me. I laugh to myself and head back to my place. I text this girl Albert "likes".

Me: Hey..!

Uhm..Hey? :Y/N

Me: Albert gave me your number.
Me: Fyi, Albert doesn't like you, he likes me!
Me: He would never like you.
Me: Just go kill or cut yourself, no one will MISS YOU!

That's a bit rude.. :Y/N
But...did Albert tell you to say this? :Y/N

Me: Well duh! Why else would he give me your number?

I see...bye.. :Y/N

Y/N's POV:

"Yo, what's wrong Y/N?" Albert asks. I just stare at him. "I need you to leave" I mutter while a year falls out my eye.
"Y/N! You're crying. What's wrong?!" Albert asks louder. "I'll send you a pic. Just leave. Tell me when you get home so then I'll show you.

~*Time Skip*~

Albert😊: I'm home!..

~*send pic*~ :Me

~*Picture  Successfully*~
Albert😊: THATS NOT TRUE..!


Albert😊: SHE LIKES ME!

And you like her? :Me
Albert😊: NO!

...I believe you.. :Me
Bye.. :Me
Albert😊: Bye..

~*End Of Text*~
Why would she say that? What did I do to her? Who should I believe..?
I go to the bathroom that connects to my room. I pick up a razor and put it up to my wrist. I slowly cut. I put my hand over my mouth so I don't scream. I keep cutting. Until...I hear a knock on the door. I wash the razor and put a huge hoodie on to hide my arms. I run to the door and open it up. It's Albert. "I'm sorry Albert.." I say looking down. He lifts up my chin and looks into my eyes. "I would never say that, and you should know that,". I smile a little. "W-Whatcha wanna do?" I ask a bit nervous. "I'm not sure and..I have a question" Albert says confused. I nod. "You never wear hugs shirts and hoodie, why are you wearing one now?" He asks. I start to sweat, and panic. "I-I was just c-cold" I say a nervously. "And you only stutter when your nervous?" He also says. "Take off the hoodie" "B-But.." I whimper. "Please Y/N...,". I slowly take off the hoodie and put my arms behind my back. "Y/N I'm not dumb...let me see your arms" Albert says sternly. I shake my head. I give me a 'please' face. I sigh and remove my arms behind my back. The reaction of Albert is...weird, I never had anyone care for me like this before. "OMG Y/N?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He almost yells. I nod. I picks me up and puts me on the couch. He knows my house good enough so he goes and gets bandages. I wraps my arm in bandages. He sits next to me. "Now Y/N tell me why you did this..?" He asks. "That girl told me to.." I say looking down trying not to cry. Next thing I know Albert hugs me. I put my head into his chest and cry. He keeps hugging me as what felt like forever. I stop crying a bit later. I look up at him. He lifts my head up more with his hand. He leans into my face. "Don't let anyone tell you to do something like this. If anyone hurts you tell me." He smiles a bit. I close my eyes and let a small tear come out. When I eyes closed I feel a pair of lips touch mine. I open my eyes and see Albert. First I was confused but then I kiss back. I lean away. He looks at me. I stare into his eyes. "Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N" "Will you be my girlfriend," he asks. I suddenly blush. "I....."

Cliffhanger!! Sorry guys, hehe. I'm posting again today?! Ain't I on fire? XD. Bai guys! 💕

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