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I wake up to the sound to beeping. I slowly open my eyes. I turn and look at the alarm clock. It only took me a few seconds to realize I was late for school. "Shit!" I cried. I quickly got up and got dressed, brushed my teeth, hair. I quickly left for school. As I got to school, I ran to my locker got my stuff and went to class. When I got to class I opened the door and my teacher just stared at me. "Mind explaining why your late Ms. Y/N?," She said sternly. "M-My alarm clock didn't go off...," I mutter. I go sit in my seat, which is next to my best friend Albert. I've known him since forever. "Nice," he whispered. "Oh shut up," I said. He chuckles. We do our class work until class is done. After the period is over we head to our lockers. Surprisingly our lockers are right next to each other. After we get to our lockers, we put our stuff away. The next period is lunch. We go to the cafeteria and sit at a table with our food. I have a "tiny" crush on Albert. I know he doesn't feel the same though. "So whatcha got planned after school," Albert asks me. "Eh, not much. You, and some ok out friends can hang out?" I ask. "Sure! That'd be great," He smiles.

*time skip to after school* ((Ik I'm lazy, sorry T^T))

I get ready for them to come over. I put my hair up in a messy bun. A bit later I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the door and open it. I see Albert. "Oh! Hey Albert!" I smile. "Hey!" He waves. A bit later everyone is here. "So.." "Who want to play Truth or Dare," Lana says. Everyone says sure but me. "Come on Y/N! Please play" Lana cries. Albert gets down on his knees and begs me too. "Fine" I chuckle. "Yay," Lana says happily. "Hmm.." Lana hums. "Y/N truth or dare" she asks. "Truth" I say. "Is it true...you like someone" she asks grinning at me. "U-Uhm.." "Y-Yes" I look down blushing. "Hehe, I wonder who you like," she giggles. "Lana! Truth or dare?" I ask. "Dare!" She says confidently. "I dare you to tell us who you like!" I smile. "W-Well...I like..Jake!" She says blushing. "Too bad Jake couldn't be here," I laugh. "Albert, Truth or Dare" Lana says. "Dare!" He chuckles. "Tell someone your biggest secret," Lana says. Albert goes over to Lana and whispers something. She looks shocked. But then grins. "Y/N...Truth or Dare" "Dare.." I say a bit scared. "Play 7 minutes in heaven with Albert" She grins. I just stare at her shocked. Me and Alberts just go to a closet and close the door. I sit in the corner huddled up. Albert is in the other corner. "Uhm..." I say to myself. Albert comes and sits next to me. We just sit there in talk for the rest of the time. Lana opens the door. We walk out. "I gotta head home" Lana winks at Albert. "Bye!" She chuckles. "Have fun you two!". She left the two of us alone. I look at Albert and then he looks at me. "Well.." "Whatcha' want to do now..?" I ask him.

Alberts POV:

"Whatcha want to do now..?" She asks me. "I don't know, and I might have to go soon," "oh, alright" she says. We hang out for a little bit until I gotta go. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N!" I say. "You too, bye!" She smiles at me. I walk out her house and head to mine. God. I love her, but I'm sure she doesn't like me. Right?

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