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I woke up to hear Randell calling our names. "Hamish! Lilith! El!"

"Great job, Randall. I thought for sure you were going to help him run." Hamish said as I walked down the stairs.

"You double-crossing bastard." Jack said.

"Everyone calm down." I said.

"No one's killing anyone." Randell days.

"We agreed. Best out of three. You lost, he dies." Lilith buts in.

"Jack landed his first kill. Big bad magic." Randell said.

"Bullshit." Lilith spat out.

"Jack, tell them. Tell them how you heard the ringing and transformed into Silverback and took down your professor who was weaponized by bad magic." Randell said lying. I can always tell when he's lying.

"That, that happened." Jack said going along with it.

"That's straight-up champion shit. And pretty impressive, considering he hasn't even been trained." Randell says making me roll my eyes.

"Doesn't change the fact that he's been doing bad magic." Lilith says.

"That was a mistake. And he's very sorry. " Randell says for him.

"You're a mistake." Lilith says back like a little kid.

"We need to discuss this alone." I say.

"What are we gonna do about dick leak here? We can't just let him go." Lilith says.

"She's right." Hamish says. grabbing him along with Lilith dragging him to the basement.

"Randall!" Jack screams out.

But I shout back." Randell cant help you he isn't the alpha."

" Guys! Don't do anything weird." Randell says.

"Like lock somebody in your basement while you debate whether or not to kill them?" I question him sarcastically.

"So, I say we kill him." Lilith says.

"You always say that." Randell says.

 "And I'm always right." There they go again going back and forth.

"Might be a waste of a good champion."

"He's no champion. He is a member of the Order. He is our enemy."

"The guilt he's feeling is punishment enough."

"The guy's a breakup song on repeat. Aw! He feels bad?  Why didn't you say so?"

"Come up with a punishment that doesn't involve slicing open an artery and we'll talk."

"Guys, we all know there's only one way to solve this." Hamish says. I roll my eyes and go up stairs as they play another game of beer pong.

Hamish comes upstairs to get me when there done and we head down to the basement.

"Hey! This isn't a library." Hamish says.

"I was doing some research. Who doesn't want to spend their last day alive reading some old book? Your reliquary is almost as good as the Order's." Jack says. "Your collection of magical artifacts."

"This is magical contraband. Confiscated by the Knights over the centuries. Think of this as an evidence locker." Hamish explains to him.

"Well, then you might wanna do a better job of securing it. Some of this stuff is pretty valuable." he says back.

"It's in the basement of a house with four werewolves. I think it's fine." I say. Besides its protected by my magic.

"Have you ever read any of this stuff?" he asked.

"Of course not. We fight bad magic. We don't perform it." Lilith says back to him.

"That's too bad. You might learn something. Do you know why you eat your victims' hearts?" Jack asks us.

"Dude, how many times do I have to tell you? Tradition." Randell says.

"Nope." I say "We do it to stop the path of the magic. If we don't eat the heart, the magic continues on its way, following the necessary path to perform the practitioner's bidding." I finish. Jack looks surprised along with the others.

"Well, fuck me." Lilith lets out in surprise.

"There's a lot in here about the hides and their champions. Greybeard is the fearless one. Sounds about right. Tundra, the most cunning. Midnight is the reckless one."

Jack says but is interrupted by Randell." We call him Cannon Fodder."

"I guess that makes you, Timber, a loner. But what I find weird is that there's no mention of Elizabeth's wolf. But here's the thing about Silverback. He's the most powerful."

Hamish cuts in. " That's because she's from a different pack, she's not in this packs books. So you're saying you want to be in charge?" 

Jack shakes his head."No, thanks. But we do want the same thing. Look, you guys want to take down bad magic. I want to take down a bad magician. I'm proposing an alliance."

"Who's your bad guy?" I ask.

"Edward Coventry. He's the leader of The Order, and he's responsible for my mother's death." He says back.

"We don't do revenge." I say getting sick and tired of this teenage bullshit.

"Yeah, you just kill people at random." Jack says looking me in the eye.

I growl at him and his eyes shine with fear as I take a step towards him." I'll kill you." Jack takes a step back noticing his mistake.

"Guys, we can help each other." He says trying to get back on track.

"He should've had a choice. We didn't give him one." Randell say sadly. making my heart hurt.

I huff. Everyone looks at me."We'll try an alliance. For now." I say. then I nod at Hamish letting him know its his time to shine as I go back up stairs for some alone time.

"Let's get to work, rookie." I hear Hamish say as I leave.


897 words

The order (R.C Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now