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When we got home we showered and got dressed in real clothes and went back stairs with the others. Hamish was making drinks as I sat on the coach feeling like I would snap at someone any minute. Randell was pacing the room. I was toning everything out until I Herd Randell yell.

"Hey! Is that true? Are you one of them?" Randell asks Lilith in her face.

"Randall, just dial it down a notch." Jack says as I get twitchy.

 "If it wasn't for us, you'd be another one of their fucking drones." Randell spit at Jack.

"I thought they were trying to make a difference, do something good." Jack trys to defend him self.

" We are!" Alyssa buts in.

" I never should've made you a knight." Randell says.

 "No, you probably shouldn't have." Jack says back.

"Can we focus? You murdered a high-ranking member tonight. They're going to be coming for you." Alyssa says cutting in.

"Can we just kill her and get it over with already?" Lilith asks us.

"Is that your answer for everything?" Alyssa asks her.

" Yes." Lilith say not even lying.

" No one is killing anyone else tonight." Jack says as I hold my head in pain getting a head ack. Hamish seeing me in pain decides to step up.

"Hey, how about you let me call the shots?" Hamish says.

"Can you even make a decision, without resorting to beer pong?" Lilith asks him.

" I'm not resorting." Hamish defends himself.

"No, you're an alcoholic." Randell says.

"Can everyone just shut the hell up?" I ask.

"I'm an alcohol aficionado." Hamish corrects him.

" I'm leaving. " Alyssa says getting up.

"You're not going anywhere." Lilith says getting up and into her face. I get up to if my pack mate gets in a fight its my duty to fight along side them.

"You really want to do this?" Alyssa asks us.

"Oh, I want to do this." I say and grab her my the throat.

"Edward Coventry is my father!" Jack yells out stopping me from killing her.

"You didn't think to tell us that your father is the leader of The fucking Order?" Randell spits out.

"That's none of your business." Jack says.

"I trusted you, man! You betrayed me." Randell says back.

"I betrayed you? You turned me into a fucking werewolf!" Jack yells.

"That mistake I can fix right now!" Randell yells back. I growl showing my eyes.

"Randall, El , I think whatever Hemmings did to you is still affecting you." Alyssa says stepping in.

"You know what they did to me? They opened my eyes to your fucking bullshit." Randell yells.

"Randall." Hamish calls to him as I continue to growl fighting the sigil. Randell attacks Hamish.  Hamish gets the upper hand and pins Randell down.

"A little help?" He calls out trying to hold him down.

"What the hell did Hemmings do to him?" Jack asks.

"The saevbacch sigil. It's amplifying his rage. We need to get it out of him before he loses control! Keep him still." Alyssa says as Hamish punches Randell in the face and he passes out.

As they are doing that I grab a knife and cut open the wound on my shoulder and rip the sigil out. I yell out in pain growling as I rip it out they all looked back at me to see what was going on, but when they see what I've done they look surprised and continue to work on Randell as I sit down to catch my breath.


593 words

The order (R.C Fanfic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now