The Clouds of The Sky

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What is up for anyone who actually reads this crap XD haha. Well, I've been caught up in stuff... issues and schoolwork or whatnot and forgot bout this whole story. I remembered it thanks to my friend (Ant1-S0c1alButterfly) he was the one I was writing this for and I just wanted to shout the legend out.

Now onto the chapter

#The Next Morning#

I wake under the sheets, sprawled out with Celia cuddling on the pillow next to my head. I'm so glad she's here with me to endure this crazy, scary and mentally challenging time. Without her, I'm not sure if I could go on. I rise and push the covers aside, freeing my body from the snare of sleep, and began to stretch. I did my best not to wake Celia when I got out of bed, but she still got startled when I yelped. There was a massive drop on the left side of the bed, and I slipped back on to the bed. I turned over and crawled over to the edge of the bed and peeked over. 

"Gee whiz was that scary," I thought to myself.

I took a closer look at the floor and it appeared... wooden. 

That's extremely odd, I'm pretty sure this was a grand stone castle, not a wooden rotting castle. I reach for Celia and she leaps into my bed. I was screamed when her claws dug her claws into my arms but I didn't mind that as the bed went crashing through the floor.




The bed was crashing all the way to the bottom. I put Celia in my arms and ran out of the room in fear we'd fall down aswell. I ran down 2 flights of stairs and was at the door, I was confused the castle was much bigger, but I didn't complain, less chance of me and Celia falling through the floor. I flung the door open and was meant by a massive stone bedroom. A run-down pink bed and toys scattered everywhere. I was in a dollhouse, inside of a giant stone room. I go over to the door which has fallen off its hinges and walk through the archway. And I see a run-down version of the castle I saw yesterday, yet it was strangely massive. I backtracked the way I got to the room and made my way to the real front door and left. 

The sight was both breathtakingly beautiful and terrifying it was the most historical thing i'd ever seen. Broken blacksmith shop, a mill. a river rushing through the remains of a mill's water wheel, but the strangest thing was we were on the... the... the... CLOUD!!!


or should i say 


Anyways this is part one of this chapter surprise hehe....

anyways hope you enjoyed and ill post the next part tommorow.



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