The Clouds of The Sky pt.2

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Haha, are you mad for the cliff hanger? hahahaha sorry bout that i felt the chapter needed the suspense. Atleast im not so evil that i left this till tommorow right?

Now to Part 2.


The broken blacksmith and run down mill wasn't the main concern it was that the fact that we were on the... the... the... CLOUDS. 


Celia rubbed her head against my chin and I came back to reality, I was fine as long as she was here. Her company was what I was most grateful for on this journey. 

I decided to explore this place, which seemed like a medieval village that had been put on clouds, that were somehow solid enough to hold it all. I decided to check out the blacksmith, it was hot and humid inside, just because how the building was built but I could only imagine what the blacksmith would have to deal with when do his work. There was an anvil placed on a metal plating that was held up but rusted poles that looked like they could give way in a matter of seconds so I kept my distance from it. There was a large fire pit in the middle and a big wooden hatch in the roof that the fire's embers and smoke could escape out of without setting the shop on fire. There were so much more amazing things I could see like perfectly crafted knives and swords and Mythril singlets. This blacksmith was good at his job obviously.

I went to check out the mill which had a nice blue and clean, crystal clear river that ran right but it, though around the mill it was clogged with debris.  Broken bits of the wheel were stuck in place under fallen stone from the walls of the mill and unlike the blacksmith, the mill was completely trashed. The massive wheat grinder was in little pieces scattered throughout the place and the bit used to grind the wheat was smashed into the wall, which explained the lack of stones in the wall. 

Since there wasn't much to explore at the mill I left and travelled south of the buildings. Celia walking beside me started meowing so I picked her up.

#9 hours later of travelling south# 

Celia was meowing of hunger and I couldn't have related so much to anything right now. We had a good feed at the castle last night but I'm starving again. After going through multiple run down and abandoned villages I didn't find anything to eat or any place to rest. But I did find an army knife in one of the village's storage house, which was a score. 

Finally after all my efforts I find a small cottage next to the river and it had a small veggie patch out the front of it with lettuces, cabbages, cauliflowers, carrots, pumpkin's, tomato's, apple tree's full with fully juicy and rich flavoured apples, pineapples and a bunch more different vegetables on either side of the path.

The cottage was cosy yet small, it had a bathroom (YES!) a bedroom and a kitchen with a small circular dining table. The stove was electric and was powered by a mill's water wheel, as well as all the lightbulbs and there was a tank linked to the shower which sat in the sun all day and heated up which made my shower really warm and toasty. When I got out Celia started meowing at my feet and I remembered how hungry we were. I jumped back into my clothes and walked to the fridge and there was steaks and sausages, eggs and milk. My first thought was shredded steak, sausage omelette with a side salad and I got to cooking and let me tell you the effort was nothing when I ate my serve. It took about 20 minutes to cook and prepare, and lucky there was pots, pans and trays under the sink which I could use on the stove. When I was finished cooking I placed Celia's serve next to my chair and placed mine on the table. Sadly, there was no cutlery but it didn't matter to me because I was so HUNGRYYYYYYY. Celia was happily chewing and munging her serve next to my chair and she looked like she was really into the food.


The bedroom had a nicely made queen sized bed and let me tell you, it was the most comfortable bed i've laid on in my life, it was so good that i fell asleep


Anyways there ya go the 2nd part of the chapter, now im not sure when im going to write the next chapter but if you enjoyed this dodgy chapter give it a like and comment, crtisim is welcome as im not the best story writer,

Tanks Alot


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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