Hetalia one shot: England- Bring Me to Life

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I did this for English homework so I'm sorry if it's a bit crappy but i tried my best :D so enjoy~ (I do not own hetalia or any of the characters even so I wish I did)


Arthur the country you know as England attends a school called Gakuen Academy. This is how his first year with all the other countries so let’s go!

I enter the school grounds and find the office by taking a few left and rights turns here and there. “I’m Arthur Kirkland”

“Okay Arthur, please take the test to see what level of turtoration you are on” the Receptionist tells me as she gives the test to me.

After I finish the test I give it back to her so she can mark my work.

“Arthur you have missed the full turtoration by a few marks.” The receptionist named Lucy says to me bluntly “please follow me to the changing room.” I nod at her and follow her to the change rooms “As you should know there is more boys than girls, correct?” I nod at her again a look at all the uniforms. I look for my size in the boys uniforms and put it on grabbing a few more of the same uniform on the way out as spares. “Does it fit right?” Lucy asks me.

“Yes it fits right” I say as I leave with my dorm key and my spare clothes. I find my room with the help of my map. I set my half of the room with the flag of England and the map of the world.

I head to the cafeteria for dinner to see Alfred stuffing his face with hamburgers.

“I wonder if you will ever choke on those.” I ask the nation.

“Me? Choking on -take a bite of his hamburger- a hamburger never, that won’t ever happen Iggy” America says back to me.

“You should still slow down your eating though, you git.” He just stuck his tongue out at me so I smack the back of his head “Don’t be rude.” I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turn to see frog face “what do you want frog face?”

“Don’t smack Amérique on the back of zhe ‘ead Angleterre. /you/ might make ‘im choke if you do” France tells me

“He said he wouldn’t choke. I was testing if he was being true to his words” I say with a smirk pointing at Alfred with my finger, who was stuffing his face hamburgers still. After I finish eating my scones and a cupcake or two.I leave frog face and America and go to my room. My half has my stuff on it ((no duh)) and the other side of the room had photos of heroes and a few maps of America and a few other places of the world. ‘Ugh… I need to put up with Alfred for the whole year.’ I fall on my bed face first then lie on my back and fall to sleep.

<>second day- march the twenty first<>

I wake up at 6:30 in the morning, my first lesson starts at 8:00 I get ready for art around seven.

“America you bloody wanker get up all ready.” I say while shaking his arm. I have a small stomach but that’s probably because I’m nervousness so I ignore the pain and get ready for art. I leave for class half an hour early just in case I get lost, just before the bell rings.

“Just in time Iggy!” America calls.

“Shut it you git. I got lost.” I say back before sitting down next to him

“I saw that. Why didn’t you follow me? The hero never gets lost!” I roll my eyes at him while my stomach is being more annoying and painful ‘what the… I ate breakfast didn’t I? And why would I be nervous for art?’ I wonder trying to ignore it

Bring Me to Life- Hetalia one-shot (School work)Where stories live. Discover now