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Ji_woo.01 Look who finally asked me to go out...... My EX BEST FRIENDS

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CEO_Chenle01 Oh come on! We were busy.... Jisung will pay for food tomorrow 😉

Ji_woo.01 @CEO_Chenle01 If he pays for food then I'm forgiving you two 😊

Ji_sung.02 OH SERIOUSLY! Jiwoo noonaaaaaa plsssss.... You should pay for younger boys 😁😁

CEO_Chenle01 Then I'm younger too, she was born earlier than me 😋❤️

Ji_woo.01 I hate you two @CEO_Chenle01 @Ji_sung.02

Yong_bok.00 Jiwoo-yah, I can buy you food 😉

Hyun_jin.00 @Yong_bok.00 BOI you better not flirt with my sister

Ji_woo.01 @Yong_bok.00 Thank you 😊 And @Hyun_jin.00 HE IS MY FRIEND YOU YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!

Hyun_jin.00 @Ji_woo.01 HWANG JIWOO YOU ARE SO DEAD! Just wait until I get back home!!

Han_Ji.00 At least I have good sister 😊 Ryujin only asked me to buy her GUCCI BELT 🙂 My bank account is crying

Hyun_jin.00 @Han_Ji.00 I feel you bro 🙃 Mine cried last month 🙂

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