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3:45 PM
Yo, Ji Wassup with you and Lix?

3:47 PM
What? We're friends lol

3:48 PM
Doesn't seem like it

3:49 PM
Girl you know he likes you

3:50 PM
And I told him, I need some time...

3:50 PM
We're good.... We're still friends I'm having that time

3:51 PM
You mean that time when you are sitting alone and day dreaming about Lix?

3:52 PM
Oh shut up!

3:52 PM

3:53 PM
You literally told me few days ago that you had a dream with Lix and when you woke up you were WET

3:54 PM
wtf you know that my brother checks my phone every day!

3:54 PM
Your problem you got caught kissing Chan

3:55 PM
Girl he was drunk and I didn't kiss him! He kissed me!

3:56 PM
Geez just don't make Lix wait for to long... You know he is my best friend. Now I gotta go. Bye ❤️

3:56 PM
Love ya ❤️ Bye

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