(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一(38)

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Sehun drops down onto the sky bench. There's so much I need to tell him about Yoo and my growing suspicions about what's been going on in this school, but instead I just frown.

"I need to ask you something," I say.

"We should get out of here first," Sehun says.

I ignore him. "Do you know where the dungeon is?"

"What?" he says like he's not sure what I'm asking, but his eyes search me the way they do when he's looking for something specific.

"I'm serious. You told me no one knows where it is. But do you know? Did you lie to me?" But he doesn't need to answer, because I can see the recognition on his face.

He exhales quietly. "I didn't want yo to think that the way to solve this was to get Sejeong out of the dungeon. It would have put you at risk."

"Because you were the one who made the deal to put her in there in the first place?" I say, and give him a demanding look.

"It's not that simple. Let -"

"You let me worry about her like that when you knew all along what was going on?" My tone is getting more indignant by the second.

He rubs his forehead. "If you'll let me explain -"

"How am I supposed to trust you now, Sehun? How do I know you didn't lie about everything else?" I expect that he's going to argue with me, try to convince me there was a good reason for him to lie and that everything else he said was true. But he just stands there.

"Suzy, there's something I need to tell you," he says slowly when he finally does speak. "I just . . . I need you to know first that I have a plan. That I'm going to fix this."

"What do you need to tell me? And what are you going to fix?" My words come out too fast.

"I'll tell you everything, but please hear me out before -"

I know Sehun wants me to listen, but his expression is so serious that my mind is frantically trying to sort out what's going on and I just start talking again. "Tell me this: Did you know Yoo has been helping the Tigers kill students?" Until the sentence was out of my mouth, I wasn't even sure I believed it could be true. But someone on the staff has been helping the Tigers. And after what Rosé told me about Yoo's secret weapon stash, and from my various encounters with him, it's the only thing that makes sense.

"Let's go back inside," Sehun says, attempting to keep his voice measured, but I can see the distress in his eyes. "I can't explain this quickly."

I pull back from him. "Omo. You did know about Yoo. And you said nothing?" My pulse quickens. "Next you're going to tell me you've been helping him." I give a nervous huff because obviously that's out of the question, but Sehun just fixes me with a solemn expression.

"This is not . . ." Sehun rubs a hand over his face.

"You're not denying it. Sehun, why aren't you denying it?" There's panic in my voice.

"If you'll slow down and come with me, I'll tell you everything you want to know." His tone is apologetic.

"There isn't a chance in hell I'm going anywhere with you until you answer me. Were you helping Yoo?"

He exhales and there's pain in his eyes. "Again, it's not that simple."

My heart pounds so hard that it hurts, and all of a sudden it feels like there's no air to breathe. I grab a branch to steady myself. Everything I thought about Sehun, everything I felt - it's all based on a lie.

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