Stupidly perfect

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Jade was always a late developer. Most of her class towered above her before she had even grown an inch. Everyone else had boobs while Jade was still flat chested. She never really minded anyways because all that stuff was stupid and superficial and who really cared if your cup size was an AA or a D. It wasn't until everyone started having their first kiss and finding their first boyfriend that Jade began to feel that maybe she wasn't quite like everyone else. It wasn't that boys didn't want to kiss her because quite a few had offered, even one or two girls had tried but Jade just gave them a scornful look and went back to reading her book. Kissing was gross and relationships were doomed so Jade spent her time studying and reading and avoided all of the drama her fellow high schoolers were going through. It wasn't until Jade got accepted to NYU to study creative writing and English lit that she realized that maybe she had missed out on something. Well actually, that's not strictly true, it wasn't until she found her roommate being pounded into the bed by a girl wearing a strap on, but maybe were getting ahead of ourselves.

It all started when Jade arrived at college, she had insisted that she get the train alone because only babies get dropped to college by their parents. As it turns out, only oddballs get the train to college and literally every single person that Jade encountered on the way to her dorm room had been dropped off by their parents. So great, Jade has literally been here 20 minutes and all ready she's the oddball again. She gets brought to her room by a senior who keeps staring at her boobs, which is strange because Jade is pretty confident she has none, he throws her the key and tells her about some frat party that's on. Jade smiles and nods because she doesn't want to be a complete loser, but honestly parties are stupid and frat boys are gross and when is Jade going to meet a half normal human being in this god forsaken college. As it turns out Jade doesn't have to wait long, she's just finishing unpacking her stuff when a blonde haired, blue eyed bombshell walks through the door and Jade is confused because she's never thought anyone was beautiful before. The girls name is Perrie and she tells Jade so while she has her pulled into a warm hug. Perrie is crushing her and Jade is finding it hard to breath but she reckons this is probably the best way to die so she accepts her fate.

Jade and Perrie become fast friends, which Jade finds hard because she's never really had a friend and like what do you do with a friend? How do you make them stay your friend? What are the rules of friendship? There's so many questions that Jade wants to pull her hair out until she's bald which she tells Perrie in no uncertain terms and then wonders if it's against the rules of friendship to be that honest, but Perrie just laughs and tells Jade that she's a "funny fish" which usually Jade would think is a stupid thing to say but Perrie said it which just makes it stupidly perfect. So now Jade finds herself interacting with other people because Perrie is friendly and warm and people like her and therefore they speak to Perrie's strange friend Jade who always seems to be by Perrie's side, that is until Perrie makes some new friends. Jade doesn't understand why she can't hang out with Perrie and her new friends and she tells Perrie so, but Perrie just giggles and tells Jade that their different kind of friends. Jade frowns and feels a bit strange, kind of like maybe she might want to cry which is stupid because Jade never cries but Perrie is gone all evening and forgets about their Disney movie night and didn't even give Jade a kiss on the check before she went to bed so now Jade is crying and she hates everyone.

Jade decides that friendship is stupid and Perrie is stupider and Jade knows that stupider isn't even a proper word but that's what Perrie is so that's what Jade will call her. After two days Jade starts to maybe miss Perrie a bit and to be fair Perrie has apologized several times and even cried a bit but Jade has a strange feeling in her stomach when she sees Perrie with her friend and it makes Jade feel sad and angry all at once and she thinks that she very well might be losing her mind.

Things take a strange turn when Jade tells Perrie that she's going home for a few days to see her family, Perrie gives her a tight hug and tells her she'll miss her and it's not until Jade gets to the train station that she realizes that she left her purse on her bed. So when she burst back in through her dorm room door to grab her purse she's not expecting to see porcelain legs being held up in the air by a girl that looks suspiciously like Perrie's new friend while said girl plunges in and out of Perrie at a worrying speed with what Jade suspects is a fake penis cause god it's not even the same colour as the girls skin. In Jade's defence it takes her awhile to react because she has the perfect view from the door of Perrie's face and her eyes are closed and there's sweat running down her temple and she looks like an actual goddess and the noises coming out of her are like music to Jade's ears. It's not until Perrie opens her eyes and looks into Jade's stunned brown ones that Jade seems to snap out of it and darts across the room to grab her purse and make her escape. Jade doesn't know what to think on her journey home, all she knows is that her underwear feels sticky against her and her heart is beating in her chest and she hates Perrie's new friend but also is maybe a bit jealous of her and what does this mean and why is life so strange and difficult?

Jade avoids Perrie at all costs because when she sees her she quite literally ruins her panties and has to rush home to change them and Jade has no idea what any of this means but when she looks at Perrie she's feels all funny and warm and how the hell is Jade supposed to concentrate when all she can think about is Perrie. Perrie starts spending more time in the dorm room and less time with her stupid new friend which Jade must admit makes her feel a bit better but also not better because Jade kind of wants to kiss Perrie when she licks her lips like that. Jade can't ask Perrie what any of this means because that's far too direct and probably rude and Jade still doesn't know what the rules of friendship are but this could be against one of them and Jade simply doesn't want to upset Perrie. So Jade does what any smart individual would do and googles her symptoms but she's confused because google says she's in love but that can't be right because Jade has never even fancied someone.

Jade decides that she isn't in love and after some further research she's quite confident that she maybe, possibly, fancies Perrie. Now that she has a diagnosis Jade thinks that things will get easier but lately she has this feeling that she wants to shove her hand up her skirt and into her panties, which is a little gross if you ask Jade but at the same time she feels like she better do it quick or she might just combust. So Jade research's more and after a few practice rounds she finds herself in the shower, hand trapped between her legs and lip trapped between her teeth as her mind wanders back to a blonde goddess on her back, porcelain legs wrapped around Jade's waist. It doesn't take long before Jade feels a tightening in her stomach and a wetness on her fingers and she's panting and leaning against the wall of the shower and wow who knew that she could make herself feel this good. The problem is though she still wants more and she's starting to get frustrated so when on a Friday evening she's already make herself cum three times but she still wants to rip Perrie's clothes off she decides that it's really Perrie's hand that she wants shoved up her skirt and into her panties and her own hand just won't do.

Jade can't stop pacing, her lip is trapped between her teeth and she's quite sure that any minute she'll draw blood. When the door finally opens she loses her mind a bit and before her brain knows what's happening she's grabbed Perrie and kissed her and wow what took her so long. Perrie's lips are soft and firm and perfect and god oh god she loves her. Perrie pulls back with an amused look on her face and asks Jade what took her so bloody long which Jade finds confusing because surely that means that Perrie wants Jade to maybe shove her hand up Perrie's skirt? Jade doesn't have much time to think about it though because Perrie is pulling her clothes off and oh my god her body is amazing and Jade can't stop staring, Perrie strips Jade but leaves her skirt on and whispers in Jade's ear that every time she sees her in her skirt she just wants to shove her hand up it and into her panties and wow okay Perrie and Jade must be sharing the same brain cause that's excatly what Jade wants.

Jade decides that sex with Perrie is notably better than sex alone and she tells Perrie that. Perrie laughs and kisses Jade and tells her that she's wanted her since that day she walked through the door. Jade is confused because she's pretty sure she's not a catch and if Perrie wanted her so bad then why didn't she just tell Jade and why was that Jesy girl pounding into Perrie. Perrie laughs again and Jade thinks that it's just the best sound in the world and that she wants to listen to it for the rest of her life, Perrie says she thought Jade might be asexual and Jade looks Perrie in the eye and says "how did you know?"

And that's Jade's first joke and they laugh for hours about it just the two of them because everyone else thinks it's strange and wonders why they even tell people that story and when Perrie tells it at their wedding eight years later people are still wondering why their telling it but Perrie and Jade think it's funny and Jade decides that she's pretty happy she didn't bother with her first kiss or her first boyfriend because she found Perrie Edwards and she's stupidly perfect.

A/N: Hello my friends, I literally couldn't sleep last night and had this weird idea in my head that ended up in this one shot. So I reckon I'll write them from time to time, hope you enjoy xxx

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