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Perrie was livid.

Never in her life had she been so angry. Infact, the more she tried to calm down the angrier she became.

"Babe-" Alex tried again to diffuse the situation.

"Alex if you call me that again, I will melt down your champions league medal"

Alex scoffed at her and rolled his eyes but did quickly glance towards the cabinet where it was held with panicked eyes.

"Do not fucking test me Alex" Perrie warned as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

"It doesn't matter whether it happened once or a hundred times" she continued their argument from earlier "you still slept with someone else and I can't forgive that. So we're done. We have to be done"

"Perrie-" Alex began.

"I'm done Alex I have nothing else to say" she said finally as she grabbed her bag and headed towards the door.

"Fine then, leave" Alex shouted after her as Perrie slammed the door behind her and took a deep steadying breath.

Now that she was outside she let the tears flow, she wouldn't cry in front of that prick, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Wiping at her cheeks Perrie tightened her grip around her bag and walked off towards the bar down the road, god she needed a drink.

- - - - - - - - -

The shrill sound of her phone ringing is what dragged Jade from dreamland. She groaned as she felt around for the offending noise before she finally gave in and opened her eyes. She grabbed the phone off her bedside locker taking note that whoever was calling her was doing so at 5 am.

"Hello" she muttered sleepily down the phone.

"Miss. Thirlwall? I'm so sorry to call this late. This is Fred Costello, I'm a barman at the Shard hotel, your friend Miss Edwards is here-"

Jade heard a loud shriek from the other end of the phone.

"She's a bit worse for wear"

Jade furrowed her brow in confusion. Perrie very rarely drank and when she did she would never go out alone to drink. Something must be wrong Jade thought.

"I'm on my way" she said into the phone while throwing her legs out of the bed and grabbing a pair of joggers from the back of her chair.

On the taxi journey to the hotel Jade racked her brain for something that might of happened for Perrie to behave this way but kept coming up empty handed. She also wondered why the hotel had called her and not Alex or Jesy. It wasn't that Jade minded but usually in situations like this Perrie went to Jesy, not that it had always been like that though. There was a time when Jade and Perrie were glued at the hip but those days were gone, Jade mused to herself as she watched London zip by from the taxi window.

They pulled up outside the hotel, Jade asked the driver to wait as she pulled her hoodie tightly around her and ran into the hotel lobby. The minute she entered the building she could hear a loud wailing sound. That can't be good she thought to herself as she rounded the corner to find a hysterical Perrie curled in a ball on the couch at the bar. Jade shot the bar staff a quick smile as she slowly approached the blonde girl.

"Perrie" Jade called tentatively but was only met with sniffles.

"Pez,it's me, it's Jade" she tried again, this time placing a reassuring squeeze to Perrie's shoulder.

This seemed to snap the blue eyed girl out of it as she looked up at Jade with puffy, blood shot eyes.

"Oh baby" Jade cooed while taking a seat beside Perrie on the couch and pulling the blonde girl into her arms.

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