5. Another Not So Normal Day

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6:30 - Beep Beep Beep Beep Be- WHACK.

1 Hour Later

Beep Beep Beep Beep Be- "Shoot!"

I exclaimed, I must have slept in. I pulled off the bed sheets and turned off the alarm, "I'm going to miss the bus". I pulled on my clothes, brushed my teeth, packed my bag and grabbed my hairbrush and a protein bar.

As I slipped on my shoes, I saw the facemask from yesterday, I stuffed it in my pocket while yelling "Bye Grandma" before rushing out the door.

I checked the time 7:40, Phew. It took me about 30 minutes to walk to the bus stop and it arrived at 8:10. If I walked faster than usual, I should get a spot on the bus.

As I walked, I remembered yesterday, the red cat I found in that storm, the cut that healed instantly and the facemask. I double checked my hand for the scar, it was still there. I wasn't dreaming it all happened.

I didn't tell Grandma about yesterday, when you thought about it, I would've sounded insane. Hey Grandma guess what happened on the way home, it started raining and then I found a red cat that was stuck under a fallen branch, so I took it home and gave it a bath and food. Then it licked the cut on my hand and it instantly healed but then the cat disappeared and all that it left behind was a facemask.

I pulled out the facemask from my pocket and looked at it. It was one of those facemasks doctors wear, but it was made of a soft fabric and was the same bright red as the cat's fur. I decided to try it on. It was really comfy and breathable and I kind of felt like keeping it on, but I took it off and shoved it back in my pocket.

I listened to the birds singing away and smiled at a magpie that I walked past.

Where's the music?

I heard a voice say. I spun around to see no one behind me.

"Who said that?" I called out.

Seriously where were all these random voices in my head coming from.

Over here dingus.

I looked around still no one to be seen except... the magpie? No. I must be hallucinating.

You're not don't worry.

I looked at the magpie as it looked me strait in the eye

You're going to be late for the bus kid.

"Oh, shoot! You're right" I said before running off.

I made it to the bus stop just on time and I sat down next to Rose who had saved me a seat.

Did that magpie just talk to me? Was I just talking to a magpie?

"I thought you were going to miss the bus" Rose said while pulling out her earphones, snapping me out of my thoughts, "What happened?" I thought about it for a moment trying to think of a way to make it sound less crazy. There was no way.

Turning my head to Rose I said, "Will you think I'm crazy if I tell you?" She looked at me intrigued, "Hurry up and tell me already".

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