IX || Reveal

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It's been a week now that Moonbin left for the Worldtour. You missed him like crazy already even though his return would be still far away.

It was true that the two of you texted as often as possible and you saw photos of him nearly every day but compared to meeting him in person it was nothing.
Worldtouring also meant that spare time was rare for Moonbin, still he tried to use all of it for you. You weren't the only one missing him, he missed you too. If it would have been possible he would have taken you with him to see all these different countries together with you. But unfortunately it wasn't possible, even if he wanted to so badly.

One of the worst things was that you had to sit in class all day AND pay attention. How were you supposed to pay attention if your mind was far far away with Moonbin, constantly wondering what he was doing, what he's seeing and experiencing and most importantly how he was doing.
Also due to different time zones it often happened that the only spare time he got was for you deep in the night but for him late afternoon, so you were extremely tired after calling and texting all night with him.
Thinking of the devil a huge yawn escaped your lips while the teacher explained something to the class.

‚Damn it, stupid time zones...' you cursed mentally while trying hard to keep your eyes open.

To your deep relief the schoolbell rang soon after, opening the long awaited lunchbreak.
With a tray of food you slumped down at your usual table checking your phone if you got any messages. Disappointed with the emptiness of your screen you slumped even further down, your head resting on your arms, and with another yawn finally closed your eyes drifting off to sleep. That was when your friends arrived at the table.

„Ok, he was tired before but he NEVER actually fell asleep." Woo exclaimed sitting down across from you.

„What's up with him lately?"

Cheol just shrugged also sitting down at the table.

„Maybe it's because of this girl again?" he said stuffing his mouth with food.

„Maybe he finally asked her out! Gaahhd I really wanna know, but he won't even tell us her name not to mention showing us some pictures..." Woo sighed. „Does she even exist or did he just made her up?"

„I mean, you could check..." Cheol mumbled.

„How am I supposed to—„

Woo's eyes widened as Cheol pointed at your phone which was stupidly still unlocked.

„AHH, I could check!"

He carefully took the phone out of your hand, trying not to wake you up.

„I'm sorry, [y/n], but you left us no other choice..." He quickly smirked at Cheol who neglected his food now to pay attention at your phone too.

„Let's see..."

They first opened your Kakaotalk to check your last messages but soon noticed that you locked it with an additional code so they had to move on and went straight to your photo gallery.

„I guess he has some sort of obsession with ASTRO lately.." Woo said scrolling through your pictures. „But I can't see any sign of a girlfriend or girl in general.."

„Wait, wait, scroll back down again!" Cheol exclaimed suddenly.

„Further.... further... there!" he tapped on a photo to view it full screen.

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All Night || ASTRO Moonbin x (male) Reader (feat. Secret Rival)Where stories live. Discover now