Chapter 15

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"That was amazing." Nicole whispers.

"Sure was." I say smiling.. "I love it when you let me take control of your body.. It's so sexy."

"We need to get up before your husband get back and decides to come down here." Nicole says trying to get up but I stop her.

"He can't come down here baby.. It's not possible for him to get it."

"Why is that Waves?"

"Because he don't have my finger print."

"Mmmmm.. Smart girl."

"I sure am.. Now what I was thinking.."

"Waverly no.. You've had enough for today."

"Or do you mean you've had enough? Are you tired Agent Haught?"

"You got me tired.. You're changing me.." She whispers.

"Changing you?"

"Yes.. I've always been in control, but you managed to confuse my mind and take over."

"Are you saying I took advantage of you Agent Haught?"

"(Laughs) What I'm saying is that you've.. Nevermind."

"(Laughs) What is it baby?" I ask.

"Nothing.. You.. You've shown me love and I've never had that before.. You make me feel different."

"Awww.. You're so sweet.. And I do in fact love you.. No wait.. I said that wrong.. I meant to say.. I'm IN love with you Nicole Haught."

"(Crying) I ugh.. I need a minute." She gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Nicole I'm."

"I'm okay.." She then shuts the door.

"Nicole open the door." I say walking over there.

"I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay." I say walking over to the table to get a drink.. Moments later she comes out. "You okay?" I ask.

"I'm sorry.. I just.."

"Don't apologise baby, just tell me if you okay."

"I'm good Waves.. Just had a moment."

"You need a hug?" I ask holding out my arms.

"I need you." She smiles at me.

"You got me.."

"I know.. That's not what I meant tho."

"What did you mean?"

"Come here baby." She says sitting on the bed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I sit next to her but she just smiles.

"I'm more than okay." She pushes me down so that I'm laying on my back..

"Mmmm.. Agent Haught that's cheating."

"I'm going to make you say my name." She get on top of me and holds my hands above m head.

"YES MA'AM." I say.


"I can go home with you if you want me too."

"No baby it's fine.. I trust you.."

"Baby I really.."

"Waverly it's fine.. I'll be here tomorrow morning to take you to work.. Your vacation days is up."

"Okay.. Thank you."

"You're more than welcome."

"Good Night."

Wayhaught: The Bodyguard Where stories live. Discover now