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It passed 3 days after the day doctor Wood told me that they will do other experiments on me. I was really scared. I was laying on my bed, doing nothing -as usual- suddenly, doctor wood came in. He had 3 nurses and a man with a black suit with him. Doctor wood looked at me and said:

"So, Oliver this is the owner of our hospital" He pointed the man with suit.

"What are you going to do to me, doctor brown?"

He chuckled. "There's no need to be scared Oliver." Well, i was really scared of these guys. I felt my cheeks burning. I was really angry because, nobody was telling me anything. I said:

"Doctor wood, why don't you guys never tell me anything about this vaccine and all the other  experiments?" 

"Because, it's top secret and we are not allowed  to tell you anything." I nodded sadly.

"Am i gonna die, doctor wood?"

"No you won't. But, after these experiments your life will change."

"What do you mean?" He smiled and took the huge injector to his right hand. I suddenly felt the pain.

"You'll understand what i mean but, your life will change forever and there's no way back out of this." These were the last words i heard before everything went black and i passed out.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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