The Traitor (Shade POV)

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A/N - Sooo, reposting this with a few changes. Hopefully I'll have a semi regular update schedule. I'm thinking every Saturday, with a few exceptions for when I'm on vacation since yay summer! And... Yeah, enjoy... Again.

We were flying along on pure black wings, cloaked in our own personal darkness night thing that obscured the view of anyone watching.

<I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyyy!> Cloud shouted happily through our mind link.

<Not this again,> Blaze said, sighing. I rolled my eyes and nodded, agreeing with Blaze.

<I believe I can touch the sky-y-y!> Star continued, giggling and going up the scale for the last bit.

<Ugh, you're both horrible,> I told them. They both turned and stuck their tongues out at me.

<Stop arguing. We have reached our destination, Olympus,> Luna said from the front. We all did as she said and went in formation, her in front, followed by me on her left and Blaze on her right, Star behind me and Cloud behind Blaze. We looked like a small group of geese. Dressed in dark blue and black. With armour and weapons. So,  a badass group or gaggle or whatever of geese. We landed on the roof of the God's throne room. We then shadow traveled into the throne room, crouching in the shadows behind the thrones.

<Ooooooooooooh, Nico looks mad,> Star said, commenting on the demigods waiting in a corner of the throne room. This was a complete understatement of course. Nico was bending and moving the shadows around him, and gave anyone who walked near him a death glare. Hazel was trying to calm him down, but she wasn't doing much.

<Thank you, Captain Obvious. Why are we here again?> Blaze asked. Luna was silent for a bit as we waited for her answer. She was the only one mother had told about the mission, and she had yet to explain. All we knew was it made her more tense and serious than usual.

<A trial,> was all she eventually said. Before we could question her further, the gods flashed in one by one.

"Bring in the traitor," Zues, God of Drama Queens, I mean the sky or storms or lighting... Ya, God of Drama Queens is better, thundered. Oooooh, sweet pun.

<Who's the traitor?> Cloud asked Luna curiously. She just pulled up her hood and put on her mask. Blaze and I raised an eyebrow at each other but did the same. Star and Cloud looked confused, but copied us. Just then, two demigods walked in. Well, one walked. The other was basically dragged. Luna looked ready to explode when she saw them, and the rest of us were dead silent. I saw Nico struggling with Jason and Hazel having to hold him back.

'Good going, little bro,' I thought to myself.

"Annabitch," I heard Luna growl softly. I saw one of the demigods look over. Leo, I think. He frown and opened his mouth, but Blaze took off his mask to let him see and held a finger to his lips. Leo smiled and closed his mouth, turning back and frowning again. Blaze put back on his mask as Zeus spoke again.

"Leave him and stand with the other demigods, Annabeth," he said, and she complied, kicking the boy as she walked away. He groaned and glared at her with sea green eyes. Wait.

I think we all realized who it was at the same time. Except Luna. Who was glaring daggers at everyone. Yay for overprotective big sister mode.

"Perseus Jackson, you stand here accused of treason against the gods and your friends. What do you have to say?" Zeus thundered. Seriously, did he have a volume nob? Drama queen...

"I didn't do anything against you! Why would I? What have I done to make you think this? I've saved you how many times now?" He asked. He looked betrayed and sad. He also looked an absolute mess. He couldn't even stand and he was covered in gashes and blood and bruises. But he still had that spark of bravery and loyalty in his eyes. Sexy... I MEAN NOTHING.

"We have proof of you conspiring with Gaia and the giants against Olympus," Athena said. I never really liked her. Too insane and....... Snooty? Full of her self? Bitchy? Let's go with bitchy.

"When did I do that? What did I-"

"Silence!" Zeus bellowed. Blaze rubbed his ear.

<I think I've gone deaf.>

<Quiet,> Luna snapped, rigid. The other four of us shared worried glances.

"We will have a vote. All those saying Perseus is guilty of treason, raise your hand." Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Hera, Ares, Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus all raised their hands. Only a few campers raised their hands, Annabeth among them.

"All those against his being sent to Tartarus?" Hermes, Demeter, Apollo, Artemis, Hades, and Hestia raised their hands, as well as the majority of the demigods. But really, since when do the gods listen to their children when it doesn't benefit them? The demigods really had no say in the matter.

"Perseus Jackson, you have been sentenced to suffer in Tartarus for the rest of eternity. Any final words?" Zeus asked, raising his master bolt.

<Now,> Luna said.

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