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Mj dragged herself into the bus knowing very well that Abby would force her to sit next to Peter but honestly she didn't care anymore. She rolled her eyes when she made eye contact with her sister, then walked to the back of the bus and collapsed into the seat. She stared out of the window and sat in silence, that is until Peter sat down next to her.

He sighed and turned to her quickly. She shot him a small, lazy smile, then leaned on his shoulder. He intertwined their fingers as the bus started driving and he leaned his head on hers. The bus ride eventually got bumpy so they lifted their heads but kept their hands together.

The bus pulled into the bus stop and Peter, Mj, and Abby got off. Abby giggled when she saw her sister holding hands with Peter. "So are you guys like dating or not?" Abby squealed. "Isn't it obvious Sissy?" Mj said flatly, slightly leaning into Peter.

"No!?" Abby said, crossing her arms.

Peter snorted and and looked away, trying to keep in his laugh. "Ugh Abby it's really not that hard to figure out" Mj said dismissively. "Well it's not my fault you keep everything to yourself!" Abby shot back. Mj glared at her flatly and Abby looked away, guilty of what she just said. They walked in semi-awkward silence and Mj and Peter stayed close to each other.

They got up to the stairs that led to Peter's apartment and he dragged her with him. "Uhm okay? I'll be home later Abby" Mj said as Peter pulled her down the hall. Abby nodded, then walked up the stairs.

Peter unlocked his door and pushed it open, walking in with Mj trailing behind him. Peter stopped abruptly and Mj slammed into Peter's back. "Ow- Peter What the hell" she said, stumbling back. "Happy? What are you doing here?" Peter coughed. "Kid, Nick Fury has been blowing up my phone. C'mon we gotta go" He said, dismissing Peter's question. "You can bring your girlfriend too if you want. We have to pick up your "guy in the chair" too apparently" Happy added, using air quotations. Peter's face flushed at the mention of girlfriend but he followed Happy out the door.

Mj stood confused in the doorway, until Peter stopped and rushed back to take her hand and pull her along. They rushed down the stairs and got to the fancy car that was parked outside. "How did I not see that?" Peter said, when the car came into view. They got into the back of the car and Mj sat in the middle, leaving a spot for Ned. She leaned her head against his shoulder as the car started moving.

After they picked up Ned they pulled into a very run down and broken area of ground. Mj felt Peter tense against her body. She looked up at him and his eyes shone with fear and sadness. She furrowed her eyebrows, then it hit her. This is where the battle was. This is where Tony Stark died.. she parted her lips as a small gasp escaped her mouth quietly. She slowly held his hand as the car came to a stop by a broken down building. "Alright Kids, I'm gonna get the jet ready, just stay out here and wait" Happy said, getting out of the car and opening the door for them. Ned got out first and then Peter and Mj followed.

Peter immediately walked into the rubble. Mj and Ned looked at each other with confused glances, then looked back at their friend. Peter kept walking further into the rubble, and he stopped in one spot. It was slightly lifted off the ground and he was facing a "wall" with holes and shatters in it. Mj's eyes widened when he collapsed onto his knees in front of the wall. She could see his shoulders shaking with sobs. Something in her mind clicked, and it seemed to click in Ned's head too. "Oh my god" she whispered.

Mj pushed herself forwards in a sprint. Ned stared at her as she ran forwards, ignoring the pain she got when some sharp rock cut her leg. Mj kept her focus on Peter and she ignored the searing pain in her calf. She slid in front of him, her body lower than his and slightly under him.

It was all slow motion. Peter's eyes flickered from above her to her face. She slowly lifted her hands to his cheeks and held his face in her hands. His face curled as more tears poured out of her eyes, and he sobbed quietly. She pulled his face down and he slowly leaned his head against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly as he sobbed. She felt her eyes sting with hot tears, both from the pain, and from seeing and hearing Peter in so much pain.

She gasped as she breathed in, then bit her lip to hold back the sobs she had forming in her throat as hot tears streaked down her cheeks. Although she knew he knew she was crying, she still tried to hide it. He shifted in her embrace and pulled away, keeping his hands on her waist. A small sad smile shone on his face when she wiped away his tears, and he quickly wiped away hers. He helped her stand for her cut was slowly oozing blood and she was limping from the pain of applying pressure. She leaned on him as he helped her walk back to the car.

The jet landed in front of them and Happy opened the door to it. They all piled on and Peter helped Mj up the stairs first. Ned followed them on after. Peter helped her into a chair and she leaned back, ignoring the pain. Peter told Ned to open the little freezer neck to him and toss him an ice pack. Ned followed the instructions and Peter shot a web around it so it wouldn't give Mj freezer burn. He lifted her leg and put it under her calf. He then stood up and grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood off, then stopped the bleeding.

He wrapped a different cloth around it, then the jet started taking off and he stumbled in the seat next to her. Ned was across from them, but he was passed out. Peter rolled his eyes and Mj shifted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder and intertwining their fingers.

The jet landed and Peter helped the limping Mj out of the jet. Happy walked to the door with the three teens following behind him. He knocked loudly and the door open quickly. The little girl stood in front of the door, then squealed excitedly and hugged Happy's leg. "Is that his kid?" Mj whispered to Peter. Peter chuckled to himself as Pepper Pots walked to the door. "Oh my god. It's his.. it's Tony's kid" she whispered to herself.

Pepper looked at Happy with a huge smile, then turned and saw Peter helping Mj stand. "Hi" Peter said awkwardly. "Oh my god Kid! Is she okay?" Pepper said, walking towards them. "PETER" Morgan yelled happily. "Hey Kiddo" Peter said warmly, then started to help Mj into their house as Happy held the door open. Ned followed behind Pepper as she carefully eyed Peter and Mj.

Peter helped Mj sit on the couch, after getting instructions from Pepper. "Thanks Loser" She said after Peter put her down. He flashed her a smile, then turned to Happy. "Follow me Kid" Happy said, gesturing to the stairs. "Wa- Wait what about Mj?" Peter said quickly. Happy smiled and looked at Pepper. Pepper snorted and giggled. "She'll be fine Peter, don't worry. Go with Happy, and Ned, you go too." She said, then turned to Mj with a wide smile. Mj smiled awkwardly, then grimaced in pain.

The boys went upstairs, and Pepper kneeled down next to Mj's leg. "Do you mind if I pull up your pants?" She asked calmly. Mj nodded. Pepper sighed and pulled up the leg, careful not to brush the leg. She hissed in pain and Pepper apologized. "Alrighty.. Morgan? Sweetie can you please bring Mommy some hydrogen peroxide and a soft wash cloth?" Pepper said. Morgan nodded and ran out of the room. "So... you and Peter? What's up with you two?" Pepper smirked.

Mj's face flushed, Am I seriously getting questioned about my relationship by Pepper fucking Potts?, and she avoided eye contact. "I ahem uhm.." She sputtered nervously. "Okay answer me this, are you two dating?" Pepper said, her eyebrows raised. "I uhm No. no hes just my friend from childhood. He's kinda a dork too." Mj lied. She didn't want to lie but it kinda just slipped out. Pepper nodded, although she didn't seem to believe her.

Morgan came back and Pepper thanked her, then poured the liquid onto the cloth. "Okay this might sting a little" Pepper warned, and Mj nodded. She knew it wasn't going to hurt. It wasn't going to sting. This was nothing compared to what she's felt. Once the cloth was pressed Mj didn't even flinch. Pepper was surprised with her lack of emotion. "Honey does it not hurt?" Pepper said softly. Mj shrugged, "I've felt worse" Pepper blinked in surprise, then her expression crumbled when she realized what she meant. "Oh.. I see" Pepper said quietly, then went back to cleaning the wound.

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