Chapter Eleven

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dis pic of Harold made me wet ok


Emerald's POV

It's been two weeks, and we've done nothing but have sex with each other. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but how could I not complain? My thing is sore and my thighs are aching. Not to mention my throat. I lost my voice for a couple of days since I've done nothing but scream and shout while he does his thing.

I've learned a lot about sex too.

Like, dry humping. It's weird, but it feels good. It's like sex but with your clothes on. And, sixty-nine'ning. I hate that position, although Harry loves it. I also learned how to gag less while sucking his manhood. It's quite difficult, but I'm finding my ways.

So now, I'm here, sitting here at home, alone. Well, I'm actually not that bored because I've been studying. I had a hard time keeping myself from sleeping in class too. Harry seems to be used to it. Sleeping too late. But I'm having a day off from sex for two weeks.

One week and four days has already passed.

I continue to find the solution, since Math is too stupid to find the solution itself. But then, my brand-new phone rings. Harry bought it for me. It's not that fancy, it's just an iPhone 6.

I answer the call, not bothering to know who the caller is. Probably Harry.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi," He responds. The voice tells me that this is not Harry. It was more of an. . . Irish accent, I guess.

"Um, who's calling?" I ask, curious as I play with the plastic cover of my Math notebook.

"I'm Niall, one of Harry's friends." He said. My heart stops for a second before it starts beating and pumping blood again. My lips part for no reason at all. Why is this Niall calling? "I um, I just want to say that-t-that you're really pretty." He stutters. My stomach has unleashed a thousand butterflies. No one has ever told me that kind of sentence. Except Harry. Except Niall.

I have to resist my urge to see this boy who has made my heart melt.

"T-Thank you," I reply, astounded.

"I was wondering," He says. "I was just wondering if you and I could, like, have some lunch together or something."

My eyes sparkle for no reason. I feel a burst of confidence and excitement rushing through my body. He just asked me out. A boy just asked me out. A boy.

Dear God.

"I- yes, of course. I'd love to." I tell him, nodding, even though he wouldn't hear me.

I haven't seen him, yet I already like him.


"Perfect!" He exclaims, caughts himself, and clears his throat. "Perfect. Um, yes, okay. Thank you. I like you. Bye." He says before the line goes off. I laugh a little, thinking why the hell would he like a person like me.

A lot of guys started to like me ever since my appearance changed. A lot of girls began talking to me, a lot of jerks began flirting with me, but I didn't seem to mind. I love the attention. I love the fact that they're praising me and complimenting me and saying stuff I haven't heard before my whole life.

It makes me feel like I'm living somebody else's life.

I shake my head, shake the thoughts away, shake the butterflies away, and focus.

My phone rings again.

I pick it up quickly, my heart racing once again.

"Good evening, love."

My smile widens as I recognize the same old deep and husky voice. Harry. He's been calling me love ever since we jumped to the lesson called "Seducing and Flirting". Although I didn't mind it either.

"Hey," I say, smiling.

"I need some help," He said. He sounds like he's carrying some problem I cannot decipher. He sounds like he's in trouble. Sounds like he's sad, really.

"With what?" I ask, worry washing my face as I wait for his response.

He sighs. "Math is kicking my ass,"

I laugh out loud. Now this is something worth to teach.

"You can come over so I could teach you," I tell him.

"No teaching the teacher, Em." He says, sounding amused and entertained.

"I think it's about time I show you how awfully good I am in studying," I tell him, my voice teasing.

"And I think it's about time I show you my bulge in my pants,"

I laugh. "I'll be waiting," I say before hanging up.

This would be fun.


Holy fuck i feel so bad rn i cant even think. I'm sorry for not updating!!! Jesus Christ I'll make it longer!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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