Chapter Two

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The bell rang, signaling us to go to our respective classrooms. People start to run through the hallways, as the others walked without a hint of panicking. I walked, because my room was near to my locker.

The subject next to my list, was Chemistry.

I entered the room, and luckily, no one paid attention to my arrival.

I sat down at the back, looking at the beaker and tubes in front of me. We're making an experiment already? Don't they require some orientation or something before doing this?

The teacher has entered, and he looked like he hasn't slept for three weeks straight. His almost white hair was all over the place, and his uniform, or so I call it uniform, was wrinkled and dirty.

"Okay class, I know you're wondering why the heck I'm looking like this, so I'm going to tell you. The experiment that we're going to have today, is canceled due to my failure of doing this experiment myself, so today, we're just going to have a little orientation, and a lab parter activity." He said and claps his hands together. I sigh, knowing that I'm going to end up without a partner. For God sakes, I don't even have a seat mate!

"Since you have your seat mates already, they will be your lab-"

He got cut off by the door opening, revealing a tall guy with wild curly hair. I think he needs a comb.

"Ah, Harry Styles. Late at the first day." The teacher whom I still don't know his name spoke with disappointment.

"It's fucking traffic," He said and took a seat beside me, throwing his bag at the side of his table. I was shocked with the way he spoke back. His British accent reminded me of someone, especially with the way he talked. It was so low and slow.

"Okay," The teacher said. "I'll give you ten minutes to communicate with each other, and after that, we'll have the orientation."

I don't look at the guy beside me. He seems rude, and he would definitely bully me once he sees my face.

"Well that's a good outfit," He says with a hint of sarcasm on his deep, slow voice. "you kind of remind me of someone,"

That's when curiosity starts to eat me.

I glance beside me, only to meet a familiar face that I thought I'd never see again.

"Hello love," He says as his eyes began dancing with amusement. He leans in to my ear, and whispers,

"I told you we'd meet again,"

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