• Offers You His Umbrella •

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You doubted that there would be rain while you went out today, but that 30% chance turned to 100% as you looked out the building you were in

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You doubted that there would be rain while you went out today, but that 30% chance turned to 100% as you looked out the building you were in.

You sighed seeing the rain pouring outside and being splashed around in the road by the tires of cars driving by.

Checking your weather app again, you saw that the rain would continue until early morning. Seeing as you couldn't stay where you were all night, you opened the door and rushed out into the rainy weather holding your bag over your head.

"Oh! Excuse me!" You heard a male voice call from behind you, followed by running footsteps growing louder to your right.

You stopped and looked to the side to see a guy holding an umbrella of his own. "Here," He said handing his umbrella to you. "get home safe."

Before you could protest, he smiled at you and went on his way, beginning to get drenched in the rain.

















Kim Byeongkwan


Kim Byeongkwan








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