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     So Kurt finds out that the most popular boy in the whole school, Blaine Anderson aka his crush has joined Glee club and he's not sure how he feels about it. Meanwhile, everyone really wants to be his partner but he picks Kurt instead and that's what you missed on Glee!
           Kurt's head snaps up.  What?  Did Blaine Anderson seriously just pick him as a partner? Everyone stared at him.
     "Kurt Hummel the flaming homosexual? Seriously?" Santana exclaimed.  Blaine nodded.
      "Why is that so hard to believe?" He asked. Santana rolled her eyes.
       "Well, enjoy singing outdated Broadway songs." Tina stated.
   Kurt was offended.
           "Our Time is not outdated!" He said angrily.
        "Whatever." Tina said, walking away to Mike.  Blaine chuckled softly and turned to Kurt.
       "Your house or mine?" He asked Kurt. He crossed his arms and winked at him. Kurt pretended to be disgusted.
       "Get your mind out of the gutter, Anderson. My house, because dad won't be home until around 7:30 and Finn has football practice so we have a few hours to practice." Blaine nodded. He got his phone out of his pocket and looked at Kurt expectantly.
      "What?" He said, throwing his arms up.
       "I'm gonna need your number." Blaine said as if it was obvious.  Kurt rolled his eyes, but secretly blushed.
         "Fine. 216-584-2985." Blaine typed the numbers in quickly. Kurt heard his phone go off. It was Blaine.

B: Hey🤠
B:What's your
B:Well, im  going
to need to know
if I'm going over
tonught, duh.
B: What?
                                     K: I'm driving.
             Kurt pocketed his phone.
     "Should we go now?" Blaine asked Kurt. He nodded.
  Blaine followed Kurt outside and waited while Kurt unlocked the car. He did, and Blaine opened the door and got in.
       "How far away is your house?" Blaine asked to make conversation.
     "About 10 minutes away." He told him.
Blaine nodded. "Nice." Kurt shrugged, careful to keep his hands at 2 and 10.  The car was silent. Kurt got uncomfortable and eventually turned on the radio. P!nk's "Raise Your Glass" came blaring on the radio.  They both jumped. Blaine turned the radio down. Blaine sang along.
      So raise your glass if you're wrong
In all the right ways, all my under dogs
We will never anything but loud
and nitty gritty dirty little freaks
   Kurt danced along, actually enjoying it. He turned into the driveway and parked.
      "Here we are."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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