Part 43

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Hayden was soon on the path that led to Hogsmead. Surprisingly there weren't many other students out, so Hayden was pretty much by himself on the path along with maybe a handful of other students that were either well ahead of him, or just getting on the path.

He hadn't been walking long before he heard someone running to catch up to him.

Suspecting it to be one of the Slytherins, he turned to face them, but quickly turned back around when saw that he was mistaken.

Victor Krum had jogged up to him and was now walking beside him.

"Now why is someone as beautiful as you walking all alone?" Viktor said looking down at him with a smile.

"Actually, I am on my way to meet someone in Hogsmead" Hayden said.

"What a lucky person this is then. Please, allow me to escort you there so you are not alone in your journey" Viktor said in his thick accent.

"If you must" Hayden relented, not wanting to be rude and tell him sod off.

They mainly walked in silence, every once in a while one would make on something, but never on anything important.

Hayden almost caught victor staring at him a couple of times though, making the walk a little more awkward each time Hayden noticed.

Finally they arrived at Hogsmead.

"Well, I think this is where we part ways" Hayden said, impatiently trying to leave so he could meet up with Draco.

"Yes, I believe it is. I do have one question though before you go. Have you found the clue the egg hides yet?"

Hayden gave him a weird look. Was he trying to get out of finding it for himself?

"No I haven't yet" He responded in a defensive tone.

"Would you reject to receiving a hint?" Viktor said.

Wait, he's giving me a hint? Why? Aren't we supposed to competing against each other?

"Um, sure, what is it?" Hayden asked, not exactly sure if he should believe whatever the other says.

Leaning closer, Viktor softly spoke into Haydens ear, "When you get back to your room, look at the runes and decor on the egg. It might just tell you it's secrets."

Viktor leaned back a little, smiling. Hayden was blushing at his closeness, flustered at how the taller man was acting.

"Um, thank you. I'll look into that when I get back to Hogwarts. Excuse me" Hayden said quickly, turning around and making a beeline for The Three Broomsticks and out of the situation he was just in.

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