Part 10: Kicked Out Of U.A

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3rd Person View:
Basically blah blah blah they cops came and ya know clink clink they were put in cuffs. Brought to an investigation room. Ms. Bakugo of course was worried mad. Ya know what I mean like worried that someone's coming for her son but also going to beat the shit out of her son for letting someone kidnap her....she's a mess we'll just leave it at that. And we'll as you expected Endevor was being an angry ass. Anywaysssss back to the story or I guess back to the investigation.

Bakugo's POV:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH!" I slammed my fist onto the table while yelling at an interrogator. He looked me deeply in the eyes. With sweat slowly forming on my forehead he grabbed his clip board and began to walk away. Before he could get to the door I shouted to stop him, " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING!?" The officer looked back at me with a grin. "To find two new students to take your place." And without another word the police officer was gone. I flipped the table over in anger I shouted and yelled. More officers came in and hand cuffed me and soon I was brought out to my mom.

I was greeted with a you guessed it a hard fucking slap across the face....yup way to humiliate me MOM. My face grew red as all of her words became gibberish. All of her yelling and screaming just slipped from her mouth. I was tuning her out. After her little "tantrum" we made our way to the car and back home. She was FURIOUS! My dad was trying to calm her down but it was failing. Once we arrived home I got grounded and sent to my room while my parents tried to negotiate with Mr.Aizawa. But we all knew they were just begging him to let me stay but I knew it wouldn't work it was hopeless....I'm never going to be a hero.

(Later That Night)

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling fighting back the tears that were dipping down my cheeks. My dreams my hopes had all fell out of my reach...and why you ask...because I got caught! I let my guard down for one minute and it all disappeared like that...this really is the end...I'll NEVER be a hero.

(The Next Morning and yes I know I'm sorry for skipping time lines but I'm getting to the good part DONT RUSH MEEEEE)

It was the next morning and my mom walked in. I hadn't gotten any sleep but yet I wasn't tired just...disappointed in myself. She sat on the end of my bed and sighed. She placed down her mug on the floor and ran her finger through her hair. "Bakugo I-..." I cut her off. "I know mom Im not going to U.A anymore I'm not going to be a hero." I whispered the last part but I still meant it. After a moment of silence my mom stood up and walked out of my room. I laid back down until suddenly a paper air plane flew in my window. I unfolded the paper and read it. 'It's not over yet come join me it will be worth it this time.'

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