Part 11: The Journey To Revenge (Part 1 Cus...I-I genuinely dont know)

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Bakugo's POV:
It was the next morning and I had packed a bag full of weapons pepper spray and water. Ya know just in case it was villains...AGAIN. I made my way down the back alleys following the address through my phone. Once I arrived at the place I knocked on the door.

"Hello? I have things to do in life and getting pranked isn't one of them so can we please hurry and get this over with."

The creaky door opened and a hand quickly reached out pulling me in. Once I was inside I stumbled catching my balance before I fell. I rolled my eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me."

I reached into the outside pocket of my backpack getting ready to pull out some pepper spray when suddenly the blonde haired girl ran over to me and slapped my hand.

"Not so fast." She said giggling with a smirk.

She quickly yanked my backpack off and searched me for any weapons. ...'Welp I'm a dumb ass.' She placed cold metal cuffs around my hands as she pushed me to the ground. Moments later she brought out Todoroki and pushed him down next to me. She squealed with excitement looking at us with her bright yellow eyes.

"I SHIP ITTT!!" She squealed as she ran in circles until a dark figure stepped infront of her blocking her from running anymore.

"Just sit down you phyco bitch." He barked. She went silent as she frowned making her way back over to us.

After a few silent moments of us just looking around the two main villains from last time came in. Oh shit here we go again. I expected the scratchy neck dude to speak up seeing how he is the leader...I think? But he didn't. The so called Brother did. He walked directly infront of us and stuck out his hand.

"Join us."

My eyes narrowed angrily. "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU---" Before I could finish giving them my 2 sense Todoroki cut me off. "What's left out there. Sure we'll do it"

I quickly turned to him clearly annoyed. 'Fuck these chains!' I quickly snapped them breaking the chain and setting off an explosion near Todoroki.
Todoroki winced at hearing the loud noise near his ear. He sighed. "Uncuff me Todoroki said." And uncuff him they did. Todoroki quickly grabbed Bakugo and placed his thumb on the soft spot on his neck. "Sorry" Todoroki mumbled under his breath. I became a drooling mess. A strong blush over took my face. I was practically begging for Todoroki.

Todoroki's POV:
'He's so going to kill me for doing that later.' I looked into his eyes. 'I hope this works I haven't really...marked him and he's not exactly mines but W-WHATEVER'

"This is an order from your alpha. Calm down!" I said a serious tone. I let go of his soft spot. After a few moments a CALM Bakugo snapped back to reality.
I bent down close to his ear and whispered, "Trust me I have a plan."

.....(I'm so fucking tired after making thissssss reeeee)

Opposites love~Todoroki x Bakugo (heat addition)Where stories live. Discover now