Chapter 15

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Hey, before getting into the chapter please take the time to read this author's note, I know you guys are mad for me not updating for a really long time, I know I'm barely active on here and any explanation for it will seem like an excuse for my many delays, but I do have my reasons that I won't get into now, maybe I'll get into it sometime later in a separate story or in the conversation area in the app, enjoy this part and I hope this was worth the wait

(Y/N)'s POV
Doomfist punches hard in the face knocking me down, I get back up but get immediately uppercutted and then hit with a right hook, Talon grunts try to help out Doomfist but I take care of them easily, but I was covered in blood, my nose was completely destroyed and I felt like my insides were falling apart and exploding, but I kept pushing forward, I felt my eyes glowing red and Doomfist only scoffed at me making me growl, "Slowing down are we?" He says, "Fuck you!" I reply, suddenly alarms started blaring all throughout the building, Doomfist looked shocked, I smiled, I love having stubborn friends, "What's happening?" Doomfist asks, he glares at me, "What did you do!?" He asks me, "I have the power of friendship!" I say

Tracer's POV
Our soldiers are really good, Talon's security didn't know what hit them, we rushed into the big base and took out all the Talon soldiers in front of us, but then one of our soldiers got shot right in the head from far away, Widowbitch! I see her hiding in the darkness from above and I confront her, meanwhile behind me Sombra was trying to hack my coronal accelerator, but Winston punches her in the face and leads her away from me, Widowmaker smirks at me, "(Y/N) will be mine!" She says, this pisses me off and I shoot her making her fall to the ground in pain, she gets up but I knee her in the face and punch her back to the ground, I aim my pistol at her and she just waits for me to pull the trigger, but instead I put my pistols down, "No, I'm not like you" I say, Widowmaker scoffs, "Pathetic" she says, "But my mercy doesn't stop me from doing this!" I say knocking Widowmaker out cold, "And stay away from my fiancé!" I yell, meanwhile Sombra got banana slammed into unconsciousness by Winston, along the way Mercy showed her dark side when she beat the shit out of Moira with her staff, and Soldier 76 and Reaper settled their score with Jacky boy knocking Reaper out cold, slowly but surely we taking over the base, now all that's left to do is find (Y/N)

(Y/N)'s POV
I get slammed into a wall and I fall to the ground, my legs were giving out and I was in serious pain, "To think that I actually lost to you! You're pathetic!" Doomfist says, my eyes begin to glow red and a red aura forms around me, I charge towards Doomfist and I uppercut him and then hit him with a right hook that sends him flying into a wall, he gets up easily, our fight goes on for what seemed like hours, but I'm not actually sure how long we've been scrapping, it wasn't looking good for me, I'm getting fucked up, my whole body was heavy and weak, but I wasn't going to give up, my vision becomes red and distorted, all I saw was an outline of what seemed to be Doomfist, I screamed in anger and attacked him, now he was slowing down, I grab one of my swords that was on the ground and I cut off his arm that had the gauntlet, he growls at me and tries to punch me but I block it with my palm and grab his fist, I crush it making him shout in pain, I punch him again that knocks him down, blood was rushing down my face, I take some on my hand and lick it, I slam my foot on Doomfist's chest and he looks at me widened eyes, "I win!" I yell before knocking him out cold with my foot, I immediately collapse onto the floor, my vision turns back to normal and my eyes turn back to their normal color, "Fuck" I say, suddenly the door is bursted open and I see Reinhardt charging in while unleashing a battle cry only to see Doomfist's unconscious body and my broken ass body, "Oh" he says, "Sup" I say, suddenly a blue streak comes in and I'm met with the beautiful face of my fiancé, "Hey" I say, she just smashed her lips against mine, I melt into the kiss and kiss back, "Ew" Soldier 76 says, Tracer flips him off as we break the kiss, "Where's the other assholes?" I ask, "Dealt with" Soldier 76 answers, "Fistman's alive, but I think he's bleeding out, I kinda cut off his arm" I say, "Authorities have been contacted, they're arresting the others" Soldier 76 asks, "So now what?" I ask, "We won, focus on other threats and keep the world safe" Soldier 76 explains, "Awesome!" I say as I sweep my fiancé off her feet, "We still have a wedding to plan" I say, Tracer and I share another passionate kiss as Doomfist is taken into custody, "Hey! You coming or not?" 76 asks gesturing towards the exit, "You always ruin the fun!" I say, we walk out of the base, I end up getting carried, it takes a while for my healing factor to kick in, we head back to base where I get the ultimate lecture from Mercy

The next day
I head to the maximum security prison and see Doomfist, he growls at me through the small hole, "Authorities asked me to come check on you to see how you're settling in" I say with a grin, "I hate you!" He says, "This game of ours is over, you're not escaping from here" I explain, "I will kill you and everyone you love!" Doomfist snarls, "Yeah, good luck with that, so... see ya!" I climb up the rope they gave me back to the surface, fister's cell is deep underground, I hear him yelling as door is shut and locked, I look at the guards next to me, "Yeah, he's not getting out of there" I tell them, the guards chuckle as I walk away

I hope that this chapter was worth the wait

Tracer's Crush (Tracer x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now