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Third pov

"Captain, the troupe for plan A already in position" a certain bondie report to a woman

"Troupe A in position"

"Troupe B in position"

"Troupe C in position"

"Alright, listen up.  We have tried to track the bastard for along time and this might be our last chance to capture him.  Remember capture him alive but if the situation arises, all of you have my permission to terminate him"


"Move out" a brown haired woman give her order to other troupe while she monitor the situation through the radar.  Somehow, she felt that there is something wrong with the location.  The place is filled with civilians and there are many CCTV around to the point that she is convinced that there is something there.  The target of the mission is a wanted man who enjoy killing people and practice an act of violence by corrupting youngsters through songs.  

Due to the advanced of the technologies, the influence spread across the globe which cause many problems arises from it.  Yes the songs are the problems since once you heard it, it is like you taking a drug and stay high.  Not only that, the songs will corrupt the youngsters mind through brainwashing them.  There are many cases that there are children who thought that killing people is normal.  What kind of logic is that?

The government and military have taken an action by dispatching a squad to gather information by using spies and one of the spies is our protagonist.  She have a beautiful brown hair and eyes which always shine in wisdom and warm plus like a depth of ocean which will entrap them if they look in it.  She is a daughter who raise as a civilian at first but all of that change when her parents involve in terrorist attack when she was 5 years old.  The attack cause the lives of civilians including her parents.  Traumatize by the incident, the girl make a drastic decision to enroll a military school in order to avoid the scenario occur again.  She become a strict person which only love perfection but at the same is sweet.  

Due to she being too focus on her goal, she is oblivious in a scope which is romance.  Being cope with a class of military students and only talk when necessary in order to avoid distraction on her goal, the girl is known as the Ice Queen.  There is a situation where a male student ask her out which she agreed but it crush the boy's hope when she said indeed she need to restock her study supplies (the boy is crestfallen due to him being indirectly rejected and the person herself do not know about it)

The girl turn into a tops scorer in booth athletic and academic scope.  She is able to cope in any kind of situation with master of all skills which she learns during her mock practice or more like test conducted from the trainers.  Ever since she graduate, many departments tried to recruit her but being her, the choice is assault department where they are sent to neutralise any type of foreign attack

"Captain, we all wait for the order to be execute" All the troupe leader said in aggreement

"Good, plan A go"

All the troupe go to ambush the said criminal and troupe B provide backup.  Troupe C in given task of diffuse the bombs in the area.  The brownette also take action by facing the criminal and start attacking.  The criminal tried to detonate the bombs but the woman manage to snatch the controller.  She shot the man both at the nerve of hands which is the elbows and wrists.  At the same time, she shot the knees in order to avoid the man run away.  Troupe A manage to subdue the man while Troupe B arrest the others criminal's companion.  Troupe C manage to diffuse the bombs and when the task finish, the woman smile thinking that all the members are alive with no casualties.  Dragging the men, she ride a black van which specifies for informant and report the mission.  After finish the report, somehow she feel that there is something happen.  

Her intitution which sharpen from her mission never miss since it always help her in crucial times.  This time, her head keep nagging to get out of the van.  She is too distracted by the pain and she is only late about a minute to save herself


An explosion occur and cause all the troupe frozen in shock.  Then, someone yelled that in the van have the woman.  All the members flinched and tries to save her but the keyword is tried.  She is dead.  

"Hahahaha, since you manage to catch me, then I leave a gift for you which is a funeral.  Do you like it?" The criminal smile with a glint of madness in his eyes and said the scene is too beautiful for his heart

Of course the members snapped and shut his mouth.  An investigation is conducted and based on the evidence gathered, there is tinking bombs where only that is a heat in the vehicles, the bomb will detonate.  The criminal attach the bombs under the van since he manage to snuck it since the members is distracted a little

A grand funeral is conducted and the woman is raise in her ranks and tittled as a hero who died in KIA.  From then on, the assault department lost an invaluable asset and a best friend who always stay with them when they need help.  People always pay respect to her when they visit her grave and in remembrance 

Here lies Valentine Votte

19XX - 20XX

A hero, a subordinate, a friend and a woman who always warm people heart with her own way and tried the best for the others

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