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The six girls had made it through the first half of their first day and were now sat at a table in the cafeteria.

“She’s so hot.” Jennel moaned.

“Woah, calm down girl.” They all chuckled.

Jennel hadn’t stopped going on about the new teacher since they’d first taken their seats. She was mesmerised by her beautiful brown eyes and her soft, silky hair.

 “I can’t believe she’s my tutor, as well as my biology teacher.” Jennel boasted.

“Are we going to have to watch you drooling every lesson now?” Lauren joked.

Lauren, Camila, Ally and Jennel were all in the same biology set. Unfortunately, Dinah and Normani, being the smart-arses that they were, were in the set above.

“Damn, gutted that we’ll miss that.” Dinah chuckled.

“Does anyone else have a new tutor?” Jennel asked, changing the subject.

Camila, Lauren, Normani and Dinah all shook their head to signal that their tutors had remained the same.

“Guess we’re just the lucky ones then.” Jennel winked as she put her arm around Ally.

“Fucking dyke.” Someone shouted as they walked past, throwing a milkshake over Jennel’s head. “You don’t want to catch a disease Ally, be careful.”

They all walked off laughing as Ally looked on at me terrified.

“I’m so sorry.” She whimpered.

“It’s not your fault.” I sighed, “I’m gonna go clean up.”

The five girls knew better than to follow Jennel so they allowed her to retreat, as they all shared sympathetic looks.

Jennel tried to fight the tears that were pricking at her eyes but it was no use. She busted into the faculty bathrooms, knowing that staff never used them and not wanting to be hassled more, and headed straight for the taps.

A sudden voice caused her to jump and she span around to see Miss Lovato stood at the door.

“Jennel, what happened?” Concern filled the young teachers face as she walked closer to her student.

“Someone spilt their drink on me.” Jennel shrugged.

“I find it hard to believe that they spilt it on your head.”

Miss Lovato was obviously aware of what had occurred and her face showed her anger too well.

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