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|| journal one, pg. 1||

September 29, 2013

Madaya was writing in her journal as usual. To be honest, the girl doesn't remember when she started writing in journals. But she was always good at writing, in elementary her teacher praised her constantly on her penmanship and proper grammar when they were giving homework to talk about their weekend.

Ever since then Madaya took it as a hobby to write her days, not wanting to forget a second whether good or bad. It helps, it's like her own type of therapy when she doesn't want to talk about her feelings.

A knock was heard on her door, startling Madaya. Her mom opens the door with her keys in her hand, giving her daughter a pointed look.

"Girl, I don't have all day. I need to drop you and Jeneva off so I can go run my errands." Madaya sighs at her mother, Leticia, and closes her journal and stack it on top of her other journals that were filled of her memories.

"I was just finishing up with writing, ma." Madaya tells her, going to achieve her shoes, phone and mini bag that held her necessities.

"You can continue writing once you get back, that book ain't goin anywhere." Leticia turns to walk out, Madaya follows her down the stairs.

Her seven-year old twin siblings, Johari and Jahia were downstairs on the couch fighting over the remote.

"Where's Kari?" Madaya asks for her older brother who seemed to be absent.

"Left with his friends- stop fighting over the damn remote before I send y'all to your rooms." Leticia scolds her youngests, Jahia manages to snatch the remote and changes it from Cartoon Network to Disney.

Johari groans and sinks into his seat. "You've been hogging the tv all day."

"No, I didn't. I gave you two hours." Jahia gives him a fake smile, keeping her eyes on the tv that was showing Jessie.

"Nobody wants to see reruns of Jessie."

"Then go to your room." Was Jahia's last response.


"Coming ma." Madaya says and waves bye to her siblings.

"Makari should be back in an hour. Don't go in my kitchen trying to cook anything when we're gone." Leticia points at the kids on the couch.

"Can we get a snack?" Johari smartly asks, Leticia blinks at him.

"Don't go in my kitchen trying to cook anything when we're gone." Leticia repeats before walking out the house, Madaya giggles and follows after.

"Bestie!" Jeneva runs down the sidewalk, Madaya meets her half-way and huffs when they collide.

Jeneva Williams. She's been best friends ever since Jeneva entered the doors of second grade. She was new to the city, Los Angeles, California. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia but moved when her father got a promotion.

She's a blunt kind of girl. Growing up, she was known for having the slick mouth, extrovert, and loud. The opposite of calm, keeps to herself, introverted Madaya.

But that's what makes them best friends, and have been inseparable ever since.

"Happy eight year anniversary!" Madaya says once they let go of each other.

"Ugh, eight years of being with my crazy ass yet you're still..you." Jeneva pokes her side causing her to squirm and put distance as they walk to the car to get in.

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