I Love You.

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"I feel like a fucking teen mom," Jade exclaimed a little too loudly in the grocery store, as she and Beck loaded the cart with food and essentials for a six year old

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"I feel like a fucking teen mom," Jade exclaimed a little too loudly in the grocery store, as she and Beck loaded the cart with food and essentials for a six year old.

"If we end up on MTV, you think it'd look good on my resumé?" Beck asked rhetorically, trying to decide between chocolate and strawberry milk. His girlfriend only nodded in feigned sincerity, before taking the strawberry milk out of his hands and placing it back onto the shelf.

Beck was honestly surprised that she'd been able to make it through the day with minimal mental breakdowns, though they hit another close call as she threatened to claw the eyes out of one judgy onlooker in the kids clothing section of Target. Tori and Cat's incessant pining over her brother hadn't helped, nor the fact they were both wearing the same outfit two days straight with no showers to speak of.

Jade's phone buzzed in his jean pocket; he had confiscated it after she had attempted to curse out her mother over voicemail for the third time, which would benefit no one. He pulled it out to read the new message from Aiden.

"Robin wants Lucky Charms," he read out cheerfully, making a beeline to the cereal at the end of the aisle.

"I'm sure she bloody does," Jade huffed, mentally adding up the cost of all the items already in their cart. "How do they expect me to pay for this, anyway? I blew all of last month's allowance on shit for school and the money from dad doesn't come in til next week." Her parents made up for what they lacked in parenting with money, but it didn't cover the price of raising a child.

"Relax, babe, I got it," Beck assured her, pulling his wallet from his pocket. She moved to protest but he cut her off. "I did that waiter gig on that sitcom the other week and it payed well. Besides, I know you're good for it." He stood behind her as they joined the checkout line, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I love you," she whispered, allowing herself to lean into his chest and take a breather. It was only their second day of senior year, yet summer felt like worlds away.

"Ditto," he spoke seductively into her ear, making her snort. "What'd you say after this we head back to my RV and freshen up?" he asked, this time at normal volume as they began to unload their groceries onto the conveyer belt.

She nodded decisively. "Yeah, that way you can pick up some stuff for the rest of the week."

"You want me to stay over, at yours?" he clarified, surprised. He figured the last thing she would want at the moment was someone else in her house. She wasn't exactly the Full House type. She nodded again, as if he should've known better, before returning to unloading their shopping. "Won't your brother care, y'know with me sleeping in your room and all that?"

Jade laughed. "I've been staying in your RV since we were like 15, Beck. If someone had a problem with it, it would not be now. Besides, the guy loves you, he'll gladly welcome more testosterone to the party."

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