One Night

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I pressed my ear against the wooden door and closed my eyes to focus. I was listening for the silence. Other than the faint hum of the air conditioner that seemed to be apparent wherever I went around here, there was no trace of footsteps on the other side. Slowly, I moved my hand on the cold metal doorknob and turned the handle. When the knob couldn't turn anymore, I pulled the door closer to me with a sharp inhale. Crouching, I scooted over to the edge of the door and peeked out.

The coast was clear. I didn't see anyone patrolling down the hallway. I let out an exhale as I pulled the door open all the way. My ponytail swayed from side to side from the sudden, quick movement. It was too early to let my hair down and celebrate yet. I stepped into the hallway and turned to quietly close the door. After I confirmed that the door was closed shut and no sounds were made in the process, I let out a sigh of relief.

"I have to say, you made it pretty far this time," his deep voice echoed down the empty hallway.

I immediately turned towards the voice and a tall figure was standing there leaning against the wall. I swear I didn't see him there before. Does this man just appear out of thin air?

He casually walked over to me and his familiar, but wildly brilliant blue eyes came into view. Frustrated, I stomped the ground with my right foot. Immature, I know. But to my defense, I did it out of habit and Chris always made fun of me for it.

"Why haven't you gone home already?" I groaned.

"Ouch," he muttered with a sly smile on his face. I knew that smile. It was his "I am always five steps ahead of you" smile.

"It's a Saturday night," he shrugged. "This is prime time for you party-goers." He pressed his pointer finger on my forehead and gently pushed. It was playful, like "silly rabbit, Trix are for kids" kind of attitude, but enough to make me lose my balance for a second and I automatically stumbled back.

"Chris," I put on my begging voice. "Please, just let me go out tonight."

I noticed that his body stiffened like he would at meetings and his jaw clenching follower. He didn't look upset, but I knew what his response was going to be before he spoke.

"The President isn't going to be happy with that, Y/N."

There it was. That was always his go-to answer for anything that he didn't feel comfortable discussing. I used to hate that he would refer to my dad as the President as if that was supposed to make his comment any more substantial. After three years in the White House, I was immune to this and it only fueled my anger in our conversations.

"God, I hate you so much," I muttered under my breath as I turned to grab the door handle to my room.

I didn't know why he would always think I was sneaking out to go to a party. I knew my dad wanted to run for a second term and I knew how much that meant to him. Does he think I'm some clueless child? I wasn't going to jeopardize any of that. I just wanted to walk around the streets. Watch people my age on the streets doing normal people things. Was that too much to ask for?

"Wait," Chris called.

I refused to turn around. I already decided that I was going to give him a cold shoulder tomorrow. "What?" I replied with my face towards the aged wooden door and my back facing him. "If you are going to give me a lecture about this, I don't want to hear it."

I heard him sigh. "Y/N, where do you want to go?"

I never heard him ask me anything like this. Shocked, I turned around and he was standing right there, maybe a foot apart from me. I smell the faint scent of his warm cologne that wore off from the long day. I looked up to meet his eyes naturally and I immediately had to turn away. The distance between us was uncomfortably close for me to think straight.

One Night - - Chris Evans X Reader (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now