1. Jared- Possesses Houses and Likes to Kill Teenagers (Typical) Part 1

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"If you want to make these kids suffer that's not my problem but you can't kill any of them," I said to the wall of this house. I know it sounds like I'm going crazy but I'm not. Jared just didn't want to show up, well show out of the walls. He's the demon that has been living in these walls for years and now he's getting bored so he's torturing and killing the kids that visit the house.

There's plenty of stories about this house.

"Why not?" asked the wall, well Jared, "I thought I had to kill them, I killed the last lot"

"And look at what happened! People wanted to tear it down!" I said, trying my best to remain calm. Jared, all he wants is to kill the innocent, stupid children.

"But it's my job. I have to kill them," he replied

"No, Jared. I'm here to tell you, on behalf of you-know-who, to just maim the kids, no murder" I was starting to get annoyed now.

"Why'd he send you?" He could have asked a million questions but he asked that one.

sighing, "because he's busy and has better things to deal with,"

"I thought you domain was torture, so why can't I kill them now?" He's really this stupid and I am about to kill him myself.

"Yes it is and that's why I'm fine with torture, but we can't draw too much attention to ourselves and our kind or people will come and try to exorcise the house and then you are sent back to Hell and will have to deal with Luci and he's complaining and he will kill you," I said. All of that is true, well he'd be killed first but I'll just make it a bit more light for him.

"Okay, I'll just injure the kids," he paused, What can this idiot be thinking about, then continued "What about GBH?"

GBH is grievous bodily harm and everyone knows that. "If it is going to kill them in the long run or make them comatose them no, if it's a broken arm, leg or rib, that's fine, a few large slashes fine, blood down the walls, great," I sighed before diving into the bag to find the 'rule' book, so to say, and place it up against the wall.

What looked like a cloud of black smoke trying to form an arm, picked up the book and it disappeared into the wall. A few moments later, Jared said "What does this mean? Why can't I do anything major? This sucks!"

"You can't do anything major because I have to cover the tracks up and I just can't snap my fingers and make everything seem normal if a kid is dead" I need to find a new job, "I just can't go 'sorry your friend's entire head spun around due to a freak medical episode' or 'your friend died because a beam fell on him' when there is no structural damage, can I now?

The walls creaked and I took that as a sign that Jared went to a different area of the house. "If you break the rules, you know what happens and call me once they leave so I can make this seem normal, okay?" I yelled out then walked out of the house.

A long time ago, I was torturing people in Hell or at least making some lives hell or I was corrupting the innocent but not anymore. Now I make sure the surface demons aren't going to get us killed or the gates of Hell shut. It's the case scenario but we can't have it happen. Now I work for Lucifer, the devil, Satan, or whatever the humans call him nowadays. I call him Luci but I'm allowed to. He makes me keep things in order up top so that he can look after things downstairs. If you think about it, I rule over these demons I could be like a queen of these demons. I'm not but it doesn't matter. I'm trying my best to do this new job and so far it's going okay.

Okay, I lied. This job is hard. No one listens to me. The last stupid teenagers that went into a house and screwed around with demonic crap, ended with me showing up, as a teenager (possessed a friend, she was fine) to tell them to stop then had to use some power to get Sam to behave and not kill any teens. Sam was killed after this incident and now no-one visits the house and the gang thinks their friend has superpowers and I had to wipe a few memories. This job is not fun.

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