Undertale Sans

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An: Hello my lovely little noodles!!!! So this was not a request it was just a little idea I had as well as something you can read while you wait on your requested chapters and also I know a user that could use a little noticing from you awesome noodles, I'm sorry to say they have nothing vore related yet but they are a good person and have a pretty good story
🌌 KillerBlueSans 🌌
Thats all I needed to say so. have fun with the story.

Pred: Sans(though he's just a big softie and feels bad when he scares the reader)

Prey: The Reader

Bored. That's the only word you could use describe the feeling you had. (Pardon me reader-chan but I'm about to be weird so have fun.) There had been a power outage a few moments ago, and to be honest when it happened you were scared shitless. So now you, your best friend (also crush) Sans, and the dog toby were stuck in the dark, listening to the rain.

After a few minutes your bordem had gotten worse so you looked over to Sans who was reading a book with a flash light. "Saaaaaaaaaaaaans I'm booooooored" You whine. He looks over at you and chuckles. "Why dontcha play with Tobster then?" You sigh "Caaaauuuuse he's sleeping." Sans puts his book down and gives you his full attention. "Well whaddya wanna do?" You instantly perk up hearing this, a million ideas running through your head. "Oh oh oh! We could play a game!!!!" Sans rolls his eye lights playfully. "What game kiddo?" You smile like a child whose been given a new toy. "Can we play hide and seek?!" Sans smiles. "Sure. I'm assuming you want to hide?" "Sure do!" You jump up of the couch and grab your flashlight. "Wait...I have an even better idea!!!" Sans sits up. "What is it (Y/N)?" You smile almost like and idiot. "Who ever wins acter 5 rounds gets to do what ever they want to the loser" Sans chuckles at how excited you sound. "Are you absolutley sure you wanna do that?" You nod enthusiastically. "Alright then kiddo, run along and hide." He doesn't have to tell you twice, in fact as soon as the words leave his mouth you take off running and giggling.

××××××××××Time skip (a.k.a. you being found 4 times in a row later)×××××××××
You were hiding in Sans's closet, trying to keep yourself from screaming. During the game Sans had...changed for lack of better term. It was almost like a Tamed wolf being set loose as a hunting dog (if you catch my drift). No matter where you hid Sans would find you, with this almost predatory look on his face. -Oh God! I can't believe that this is like all those vore books I read online!- You shake the thought from your head with the consoling thought of that can't happen in real life...Can it? -Get ahold of yourself (Y/N)! This isn't going to end up like those books your read online! Sans would never ever hurt you, let alone eat you! Your just being paranoid now! It's a silly game nothing more!- You told yourself, and you were beginning to believe this you heard the door to Sans's room open.

"Come out come out where ever you are~"

His deep husky voice sent chills down your spine. You could hear his footsteps getting closer.

"I wonder...are you under the blankets?"

You hear the sound of blankets shifting and tossing. Your breathing quickens.

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