Chapter 5

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Disclaimer! This chapter talks about self harm through out the chapter. If you do not like it, then skip over it. You may skip the chapter if you would like to.

Things were different at school. They all changed, but they were going back to normal. We all wanted to go back to normal. That's what made the air a little less stiff than usual.

We were going to get our liscenses later, so we all needed to train. We did our usual training. But finally, summer came.

You know what happened. We went to the pool during summer. and tinier villains popped up. After we got our provisional liscenses, I started helping out with the smaller things, like stopping robberies, and helping out firefighters. As I trained more, I found out that I actually could eat fire. The only bad side though, was that it hurt just a little bit, but not much.

I walked around town, on patrol. I walked near the alleyways, and near most buildings. I looked down one alley and saw Dabi, just standing there. I froze, just staring at him. I took my hands out of my pockets, and covered my arms. There were still cuts on my wrists from a couple of weeks ago. Ya, I cut myself, but it was because Bakugo and Kiri were mad at me. I lifted a hand and waved at him. I smiled slightly, and walked away. I put my hands back in my pockets and started walking. I felt something cover my mouth, and drag me into the alley. Dabi.

As soon as he stopped, he turned me around, his hand still on my mouth. I licked his hand, but he didnt move it. I just shrugged, and stood there. He finally removed his hand, and I wiped my tongue on my shirt.

"You know, you're lucky that i like you, or else you would be running away right now." I said. He tilted his hand in confusion and i just opened my mouth. I sucked in a breath, about to scream bloody murder, but he just covered my mouth again. I licked it, a lot this time, and he finally took his hand away. "You're disgusting." He said, smirking. "Thanks! Now, why am I in an alleyway with you?" I asked, sitting against a bulding.

Dabi sat next to me, us hiding behind boxes and trash, so no pros saw us. He just shrugged and looked away. "Why aren't you afraid? I mean, that Aoyoma guy looked like he was about to barf." He said, chuckling. I laughed a bit, but waited for him to continue. "So why is it that everytime I see you, you smile and wave?" He asked, looking at me. I blushed, my face redder than Todoroki's hair. "Uh, um. Well, I guess that's why." I said, pointing to his face.

I sighed and looked at the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my chin against them. He grabbed my arm harshly, which made me fall against him. "Ow, be careful! I'dike to keep my limbs, please!" I yelled, hitting his arm, and rubbing my shoulder.

"Dont 'ow' me. Why would you do this?" He asked, showing my cuts on my wrist to me. "Wow, you care about me." I said, laughing. He just growled slightly, which made me scoot away slowly. "Answer the goddamn question!" He yelled, growling. "Because Bakugo and Kiri were mad at me." I said, my voice harsh from tearing up. He let go of my arm, and stayed silent.

"I'm glad I got to talk to you." I said, facing him. He looked confused. "Why would you b-" He stopped talking when I hugged him. He reluctantly, reluctantly, hugged back. I let my tears fall. "If only this were real." I whispered. I wish it was, but it's probably just a really long dream until I go into heaven. I looked it up on my phone. The real me is dead, sadly. "What was that?" He asked, breaking the hug. I shook my head no,  and stood up. "Wait! Join the league." He said, grabbing my arm. I winced from the pain. "2 days." "What?" He asked. "2 days. Give me 2 days to say my goodbyes, then meet me here on Friday." I said, walking away. yesterday was the first day back from the break. We meet the big 3 on Friday. Guess I'll miss out on that.

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