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It was now Saturday and Corey was less angry then he thought he should be, after all someone had snuck into his room. He went through everything and didn't think anything was missing but they had seen the music he'd kept hidden. But he had other things to worry about so for now he'd focus on that and worry about the room incident later.

Since it was the weekend he had more time on his hands and his band usually used that extra time to practice. They planned on starting rehearsal at twelve that day which gave Corey a chance to tell them what was going on. His father had asked him to help with a few things around the house so his band mates were already waiting in the garage.

When he walked in they all looked, well, he wasn't entirely sure what to call the look they were giving him. He decided to ignore it and spoke, "Okay, so I've got some news."

Laney spoke, "Let me guess, you've got some crazy plan to get us a gig?"

Corey was almost thrown off by the amount of anger in her voice, almost, but he shook it off. "Actually I already got us a gig, I worked everything out yesterday so all we've got to do is practice because the show is on Monday."

Kin spoke, "So we've got three days including the day of the show to practice."

Laney spoke, "But where are we playing?"

Corey smiled a little, "We're going to be opening for the Midnight Musicians."

Kon looked confused, "Who?"

"They're a semi-famous band, they've done a few smaller tours but this one is their first world wide tour. They like to use local bands to open their shows and I talked to them yesterday so we could open for the show."

Laney crossed her arms, "And do you have lyrics for the song?"

Corey smirked, "Don't worry about it, I've got it covered."

The three glanced at each other and Corey thought about asking what was going on but figured they'd tell him when they were ready. He just started practice and they worked for an hour or two while occasionally making a few small changes. The entire time he could feel the other three watching him which is probably why they messed up so much.

Corey ended practice early because they kept messed up, he sighed, "I don't know why you guys are messing up more then usual. I'm not even sure I want to know but we're not getting anywhere here, let's call it early and we can all practice at home. Hopefully tomorrow whatever's messing with you guys is solved and we can get back on track."

Laney spoke, "We sound fine."

Corey didn't look too happy, "You guys keep playing the wrong notes, you even jumped to different points in the music from where we were. I'm not saying I didn't mess up too, I did, but when we did this yesterday you didn't do this stuff."

The three were quiet for a minute until Kin spoke, "Corey's right, we should go home early and practice."

Laney and Kon agreed and they all went home, Corey rubbed his eyes and wondered what the hell was up with them. Corey walked into the house and someone knocked on the door, he opened it to find Nick standing there. Nick smiled, "Hey, I thought you'd still be practicing with your band."

"Usually I would be but we decided to end it early and practice at home."

Corey stepped aside to let Nick inside and the popular male entered the house, Corey closed the door as Nick turned to him. "Why'd you end practice early?"

"Because they were acting weird, they kept making mistakes they didn't make yesterday and we weren't getting anywhere. I don't know if it's because they still aren't used to me or what but it was a huge step back so hopefully practicing alone for a bit will help."

Nick looked a bit surprised, "Does that happen often?"

"No, that's the problem, if just one of us messes up it throws everyone else off so setbacks like this aren't good especially when we have a show to do."

Nick looked confused, "You have a show coming up?"

"Well it's not just our show, we're opening for a band that's stopping here on their tour, I got the gig for us just yesterday. I told the others about it today so they know we don't have a whole lot of time which makes this so much more complicated."

Corey sighed and sat on the couch, Nick sat next to him, "So who are you opening for?"

"They're called the Midnight Musicians."

"Is anyone going to watch you play?"

"Our groupies will probably go if they hear we'll be playing and I think Trina and Mina said they were planning to go a few days ago. I don't think it's been announced that we'll be opening for them which is why Trina hasn't thrown away her tickets yet. The band gave me some extra tickets as payment for playing and I gave a few to the rest of the band."

"I kept two for my mom and dad in case they can go but that's about it."

Nick hummed and they both sat in silence for a minute before Nick seemed to think of something, "I'm surprised your sister hasn't shown up yet."

Corey laughed a little, "She's at the mall getting who knows what, why, did you want to see her or something?"

Nick quickly shook his head, "No, no, why would you think that?"

Corey looked amused but also a bit surprised by how quickly Nick responded, "I was joking, but you do know she likes you right?"

"Yeah, it's kind of obvious, but she's not someone I'd want to date, ever."

Corey raised an eyebrow, "Then who would you want to date, I don't think I've ever even heard of you having a girlfriend for more then a few days."

Nick shrugged, "I've been on dates with some girls but they all act weird around me, they keep giggling and try to make me like them. I do like someone but I don't think they'd like me back, and I heard they like someone else anyway."

Corey rolled his eyes, "Who gives a shit?!"

Nick looked shocked, "What?"

Corey rolled his eyes, "Look, if there's one thing I know for sure it's that you shouldn't give up before you even try. If you like someone you should tell them, maybe they like someone else and maybe they don't like you back but at least you tried. Don't live with regrets, believe me those regrets will haunt you so even if they reject you it won't turn into a 'what if' moment."

Nick thought about what Corey said for a minute, "I'll think about it."

Corey shrugged, "That's all I can really ask for."

At that exact moment the front door was thrown open and Trina walked in while Mina carried a large pile of things that Corey suspected were Trina's. Trina looked at Mina, "Hurry up Mina, and don't drop anything." Trina then turned to walk to her room when she spotted Nick and gasped, "Nick!"

Trina ran over to the couch and placed herself in between Nick and Corey, "I didn't know you were here Nick." Trina then glared at Corey, "Beat it loser."

Corey just rolled his eyes, then he saw that Mina was about to fall and he quickly got up to catch her. Mina looked at him from around the things she was carrying, "Thanks Corey."

"Don't mention in."

Corey took some of the stuff from Mina and she seemed to panic slightly, "Don't, Trina will get mad."

"She's too busy flirting with Nick to notice."

Mina glanced at Trina who was staring at Nick like a love sick puppy and Mina just nodded before they both carried everything to Trina's room. Once they set it all down Mina smiled, "Thanks Corey, this would have been a lot harder alone."

Corey smiled, "Like I said, don't mention it."

Mina's smile widened a little and Corey left Trina's room, now how was he going to save Nick from Trina?

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