Hate me

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It was Sunday, Corey hated Sundays not because he had school the next day but because of the one other thing that Sunday always meant. He had to go to Church, and he hated it with a fiery passion, he only went because his parents made him. He silently seethed in his seat when they got there and whenever everyone stood he didn't, he refused to.

A great number of people in Peaceville went to Church and during the service they did what they were supposed to, if told to stand they would. When they were asked to pray they did, Corey just continued to sit in his seat looking pissed. Then the preacher read from the Bible and Corey glared at the man as he listened to him talk.

"Under John 8:44 the Bible says, 'You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.'"

"The devil is in each of us but we must not listen to him or believe his lies, we must fight the devil."

Everyone in the room agreed but Corey just got angrier and stopped listening because he knew he'd get even angrier. He forced himself to calm down a bit before he did something he'd regret, he really hated this place. When people started singing his father tried getting him to sing too but Corey just gave him a harsh glare.

His family knew how much he hated being here, they might be able to drag him here but they couldn't force him to participate. He never even spoke when they went here and anyone that was smart wouldn't go near him. After what felt like forever the service ended but that didn't mean he got to leave because now he had Sunday school.

The older kids were separated from the younger ones but he and Trina were still in the same group. Kin and Kon didn't go to Church but Laney did and he knew she kept glancing at him over and over again. Trina was always a bit grumpy at Church because Mina didn't go either but that changed whenever Nick was around.

Nick was in their group too so Trina was staring at him from where he sat which Corey was irritated about. He knew why he was irritated but he didn't care at the moment considering where he still was. Their teacher knew he never wanted to be here but she hadn't given up on trying to at least get him more involved.

Today they were talking about the angels, more specifically the archangels, and Corey just kept checking the clock. The teacher, whom everyone called Liz, looked at him, "Corey, do you want to share anything about the archangels?"


"Oh come on, just try."

Corey somehow looked even more irritated but he knew she wouldn't stop so he answered anyway. "There are only three angels actually named in the bible which are Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer, all of whom are archangels."

Liz nodded, "Except only Michael and Gabriel are actually archangels."

Corey glared at her slightly, "Wrong."

Liz paused, "What?"

"Your wrong, Lucifer fell from heaven but before he fell he was an archangel and technically still is. Archangels are defined as angels that 'stand in the presence of God', and Lucifer was one of those angels. After he fell God made him guard the gates of hell to punish him but that doesn't suddenly make it so he's not an archangel."

Liz's smile seemed a bit more forced now, "But Lucifer is bad, he's the devil, so he's not an archangel."

Corey's hand actually twitched like he was going to hit something, instead he just got up and left. He wanted to punch something, namely Liz, and that wouldn't end well for anyone so he had to leave. He threw the door to the room open and when it hit the wall the sound made several people wince and Corey left.

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