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Chapter 2

"So what was your next experience Laura?" Chris asked me.

"Well that happen all by accident." I told them. As we kept walking. "Why's that?" Heather asks me. "Let's go to the 4th floor and I will tell you the story."

I found the room we walked in.


I was 7 now and ready for the surgery on my other eye this time.

I couldn't wait. Not for the surgery but for the chance maybe to see my angel Randy again.

I ended up with a different room. Which I didn't I was closer to the stairs this time.

Like last time I woke up and got up and I went downstairs. I chose a different book to read this time. It was little women.

Sure enough on cue Randy showed up. "Hi, Randy I was waiting for you." I told him. "You were?"

"Yep!" I told him. "So you having surgery again?" I nodded my head yes.

We talked what seemed like forever. I told him everything I been doing up until I come back to have surgery.

He asked me why I won't tell know one that I could read books with bigger words in it.

"Because no one listen to me already any ways.?" I told him. "What do you mean by that Laura?" Randy asked me?

"I try telling them that soundss are loud, but they tell me I'm making it up, to get out of doing stuff, because the louder a noise is it hurts my ears. But there something else." I told him.

"What's that?" He asked.

I can hear things they can't, and they laugh at me, or tell me I'm making it up, that it's all in my head!"

I point to my head at the same time. "Well, then at least you know here and here that you are special in more ways then you thank you are." He pointed to my heart and my head.

I smile so big. I start to noticed that there was light coming through the window. "You better get back to your room before they catch you!" Randy told me.

I quickly went as quickly as my feet would take me. I had to hide and dodge nurses and other workers.

I finally got back to my room. Then I saw a nurse right behind me. "There you are sweetheart, where were you? We were looking for you."

I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't going to tell them where I went. She took my vitals and she told me my breakfast would be there soon.

Later that night I heard people standing outside my door talking about me. I climbed out of bed but I didn't get to close to the door.

I may be little, and they think I can't here them, but I understand more then they think I do!"

"She woke up last night I guess, because when the staff checked on her she was gone! We search the whole floor for her." They said.

Then were going to have to give her a shot tonight so she will sleep through the night. It goes in her leg though." My mouth dropped open and fear set in.

If there one thing I hate and afraid of its those big needles. They are not going to give me a shot if I can help it. I thought to myself.

I decided I was going to run and hide so they wouldn't give me a shot and just maybe they forget about it. I wanted to see Randy tonight to.

I opened up the door and there the nurses were in front of my door. I looked up at them. "What's wrong honey why are you crying?" The one nurse asked me.

I didn't answer at first. I looked both way down the hallways and noticed the elevator light and door starting to open, I took my chance and ran.

"YOUR NOT STICKING ME WITH A NEEDLE!" I screamed out. I ran in the elevator, I thought I saw Dr. Frankenstein, but I wasn't stopping. I jumped and just hit a button I was just going to get off on any floor and hide.

The elevator doors open and I ran out. I stopped and looked both ways. I just picked a way and started to look to find a room with no name on it.

I found one and quietly shut the door. I went and sat in the corner and pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.

I jumped when I heard a female voice. "Are you alright little one?" When I looked up she didn't look like a worker. She had a white hospital gown on, and she only looked like a teenager.

I shook my head no. She kneeled in front of me. She had blood on her. "What's wrong?" She asked me. They want to stick me with a needle in my leg and I'm scared of them and I hate them." I told her.

"Oh I see! That's a good reason to be scared." She said. "Do you mind then if I keep you company then?" She asked.

I took my hand and motion for her sit beside me. "Sorry for hiding in your room, I thought no one in it." I told her.

"Tell you a secret, I'm hiding to!" She told me. I giggled. "See I got a laugh out of you, it's not so bad." I shake my head no.

"You are not really hiding, your a angel." I told her. "Now that the first. I've never been called a angel before." She smiled at me.

"What happen?" I pointed to the blood.

"Oh, A man hurt me really bad, but he found me hiding here and well here I am!"

No one goes into details because I'm so little and they don't take I don't need to be exposed to that.

"Oh!" I tell her. I started to fall asleep. I was woke up a familiar voice. I open my eyes and it was Dr. Frankenstein. "Hey there, I heard about what happen. I told them not to talk about needles again in front of you."

I smiled a tired smiled. I went to go get up and I fell back down. Dr. Frankenstein carried me back to my room.

He stepped out and walked back in. "I'm so sorry sweetie you know what I got to." He told me. I started to cry and I nodded yes that I knew.

"I'm not going to lie to you it's going to hurt!" He gave me the shot, and I just screamed in pain. Dr. Frankenstein, sat there and hugged me until I stopped crying.

The next day I had my surgery and this time everything went fine. They wheeled me back to my room, except they left the other bed out in the hallway, and carried me in my room. Back then what they use to put you to sleep was nasty and made you throw up. Yuke!

========== END OF MEMORY===========

"Wow so someone killed that girl and she must of hid in this room, but the guy found her and finish her off." Troy said.

"Wasn't your next surgery your doctor put you in the hospital because of your tonsils, you were 9 weren't you Laura?" Heather asked.

"Yeah, my fever wouldn't go down, and the infection kept getting worse, they had to remove them the next day after admitting me in the hospital. I was fighting tooth and nail to because they were sticking an iv in me awake."

I finally took them down to the 3rd floor. Next to the nurses station, where they kept children that were high risk. Intensive care more or less just a bigger room.

"I was right up against glass here!" I showed them.