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              Chapter 5

     "Is there any more stories you have Laura?" Chris and Troy both ask.

       "I have one more story to tell. Follow me back down to the third floor."

      I told them. "As they followed me, we stopped at a door that was shut.

       "What's this room?" Heather asked me. I took my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door and opened it.

    I turned and looked at my friends standing there with there mouths open.

       I shook my head and laughed. "Are you just going to stand there with your mouths open or are you going to come in with me?" I asked them.

      I walked in and go sit by the window like I always do in this room. It's the room with all the books.

      "How do you have a key for this room, and how is everything still here and the same?" Heather asked me.

         "Alright I'll tell you just give me a minute, were waiting for one more person." They all look at me confused. I roll my eyes at them.

     I watched them all shake a little, from a chill as Randy walked by them and sat down beside me. "So you going to tell them?" Randy asked me.

      I turned to him and smiled. "Of course I am, that's why were here." I told him. "Laura who are you talking to?" Heather asked me.

     "Me!" There eyes looked like they were going to pop out of there heads when they saw him and heard Randy speak. I started to laugh. "Now that's the first, time I seen anyone with that expression." He said as he started to laugh with me.

      "Is that Randy, from your stories?" Chris asked me. "Yep! This is Randy." They look around in amazement at how well the room doesn't look run down and of course Randy.

     "Are you going to tell us or what Laura?" Heather asked me. "Yes, I'm going to tell you everything."

============ MEMORY=============

      Well it's actually started when I was born. My mom noticed that my hands shake a lot. So after about a month of doing this my parents took me in.

     The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I would get sick easy and have to come stay here alot.

     They told my parents they didn't know if I would live. So my mom found Dr. Frankenstein. He did alot of test on me from eegs, ekgs, and xrays, everything test they had back then.

         He found out I had brain damage on my main nervous center, my immune system is weak, I dehydrated easy, there was a whole list of things.

     He called me his special patient because, we didn't know exactly what was causing all these problems and if I could die. So they took special care in me.

     Every birthday was a mile stone. I never knew it. But every time I spent in the hospital Randy was by my side every time I was there.

      He was my angel my protecter. See there are also bad things in that hospital to. They tried to take my life more then once.

      But by some miracle I would survive and come out stronger.  Dr Frankenstein always took special time and care in me.

   He would explain things to me because I would scare so easily. We had a mishap at home thanks to some kids in the neighborhood.