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"Maybe its electricity cut off" Josh said

"No, if it was, then why are the ACs still on?" Bailey replied.

"Doods, he said he's gonna take care of it. We just need to trust him" Sean said.


The students waited patiently for him and killed the time by practicing the routine. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours but he's still not there.

"Ok I'm really trying my best here to lessen my impatience but it's been 2 hours! Where the heck is he? I just wanna go home already!" Tahani complains as she lazily lay her head on Kaycee's lap.

"Chill Hani. Lemme just go check on him" Kaycee suggested as she slowly pulled away from her bestfriend's grasp.

"I'm coming with you Rice" Sean said, a huge grin on his face.

Kaycee rolled her eyes as she gave in, ignoring the smirks coming from her friends.

They walked through the halls only for them to see something they didn't expect to happen. Once their minds register what was happening, they let out a loud scream as tears starting flowing down on their faces. Sean watched as Kaycee started hyperventilating. He quickly wrapped the girl with his embrace and let her soak his shirt with tears.

"Kaycee breathe. I'm here ok? We're gonna find out who did this. Everything's gonna be ok" Sean whispered.

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